Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Text File
4,386 lines
TOP Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by TNC Technology, All Rights Reserved GTDR
The above copyright notice >>must<< remain in the file as the first line!
This is the TOP (TM) help facility text file. All help entries in this
file are preceded by a topic name which is enclosed in square brackets.
The topic name is truncated to a maximum of eight characters. All lines
following the topic, up to the next line beginning with a left square
bracket, will be displayed. The first help topic, [Help] is reserved for
the default help entry. This is the message which will be displayed if
help is entered without a topic, or if the requested topic is not found.
Topic names can be optionally followed by a version number. If a version
number is present, only the highest version will be displayed which is
less than or equal to your DOS version. Note: only the first three
version characters are recognized, ie. 'major.minor'. Any other char-
acters are ignored.
Topics are compared with the length of the user's specified entry. This
enables a topic to be matched with a substring of characters. For
example, if the user entered 'back', this would be matched by the first
topic which contained the substring 'back' i.e. 'BACKUP'. The comparison
is case insensitive. However, the help frame will include the topic title
string exactly as entered in this file (case preserved). Note that this
file is parsed at TOP (TM) start up. Edits made to this file will not take
effect until TOP is restarted.
Use of ASCII characters 0 (NULL), 7 (BELL), 8 (BS), 9 (TAB), 10 (LF),
13 (CR), 26 (^Z), and 27 (ESC) in HELP messages will cause unpredictable
results if HELP is called via the command line or redirected to the
printer. Their use is therefore not recommended in this file. To display
these characters, instead use a \#, where # is the decimal number of
the character to be displayed.
HELP topics names can only contain valid filename characters. These
characters in HELP index sorting order are:
! # $ % & ' ( ) * - . ? 0-9 @ A-Z _ ` a-z { } ~
Within any help message, three attributes can be assigned to text which
will alter its appearance when displayed. These attributes are called
BOLD, ITALICS, and UNDERLINE. What is actually displayed for these at-
tributes is defined in the TOP.INI file. To use them, type a back slash
(\) followed by a letter, where the letter can be:
b for bold
i for italics
u for underline
p for plain (normal)
\ to print a back slash
# where # is the decimal number of the character to be
displayed (use for control characters, eg. 27)
eg. "This is a \bHELP\p entry" would cause the word HELP to be bold, all
others to be plain. In general, the \b attribute has been used in this file
to indicate key words for which there is help, the \i attribute has been
used to indicate important words (but no help is available or required),
and the \u attribute is used for titles or other emphasized text.
To learn about \bHELP\p, type '\bHELP HELP\p' or bug the \bHELP\p topic with mouse.
\bHELP\p is available for the following topics:
\u ASP ombudsman \p
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able
to help.
The ASP Ombudsman can help you \i _______\p
resolve a dispute or problem with \i ____|__ | (R)\p
an ASP member, but does not provide \i --| | |-------------------\p
technical support for members' \i | ____|__ | Association of\p
products. Please write to the ASP \i | | |_| Shareware\p
Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, \i |__| o | Professionals\p
Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a Compu- \i -----| | |---------------------\p
Serve message via CompuServe Mail \i |___|___| MEMBER\p
to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
\iSee Also:\p \b!LICENSE\p, \b!READ_ME\p, \b!REGFORM\p, \b!SETUP\p, \b!SUPPORT\p
\u Release 1.10 \p
\iNew Features\p
\7 Added \bTOPSET\p , a complete on-line setup utility for \iTOP\p. See \bHELP\p for
\bTOPSET\p for more details.
\7 Added complete extended screen mode support for Super VGA text modes!
See the file 'README.VGA' for more details.
\7 The following functions now accept multiple parameters:
\bATTRIB\p \bDEL\p \bDIR\p \bERASE\p \bXDEL\p \bXDIR\p
For example, ' \bDIR\p *.txt *.doc ' will list all files ending with '.txt'
and all files ending with '.doc'
\7 The following functions now accept 'enhanced' wildcards:
\bATTRIB\p \bCOPY\p \bDEL\p \bDIR\p \bERASE\p \bFOR\p \bMOVE\p \bXDEL\p \bXDIR\p
For example, ' \bDIR\p *r*.p* ' will list all files containing an 'r' in
the name and starting with 'p' in the extension. See \b_*WILD*\p
\7 \bDIR\p has been greatly enhanced! See \bHELP\p for \bDIR\p .
\7 Added \iExecutable Wildcards\p. \iExecutable Wildcards\p are user-defined
command sequences which can be assigned to a wild card file
specification. If a command is typed which matches the wild card
specification, the user-defined command sequence is executed.
\7 All \iTOP\p window functions now have a pull-down menu for window control.
For example, window colors can now be set on the fly via the pull-down.
\7 \bALIAS\p and \bFKEY\p definitions can now be read automatically from an
external file. The file is automatically updated whenever an alias is
changed from the command line. In other words, aliases defined on the
fly can now be permanent.
\7 Pressing the \i<TAB>\p key will cycle through an alphabetical list of files
in the current directory at the cursor position in the command line (or
cycle through a list of matches if the filename is partly typed or typed
with a wildcard specification). Pressing \i<Shift-TAB>\p will reverse cycle.
\7 A SaveLayout command has been added to the mouse chord menu which saves
the current size and position of all the \iTOP\p windows. See \bwCHORD\p
\7 The \iFILES\p window is now sizable and moveable, like all other \iTOP\p
\7 All \iTOP\p DMTs now support 256 color pcx files and super VGA graphics
\7 All \iTOP\p DMTs now automatically park the hard drive disk heads
\7 ANSI.SYS is no longer required (as it is in DOS) to switch to EGA 43
line or VGA 50 line modes.
\7 Negative numbers now mean 'right relative' in windows setups and
emulated ANSI.SYS strings.
\iBug Fixes\p
\7 Added ';' test for separators in \bFOR\p specification loop.
\7 Window keyboard 'cursor' functions (CTRL-Pageup...) now reset cron/dmt
timout timer.
\7 Invalid switches are no longer ignored.
\u Release 1.02 \p
\iNew Features\p
\7 Added \bNISTIME\p , a utility which dials up the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) Automated Computer Time Service (ACTS)
and retrieves the time.
\7 A new internal memory management architecture was incorporated in this
release called \iMOST\p (\iM\pemory \iO\pbject \iS\pwapping \iT\pechnology). \iMOST\p not only
speeds up transient code swapping but allows for nearly limitless future
\7 \iTOP\p now reads a registration number from \iTOP.INI\p and validates your
registration status. The shareware version of \iTOP\p is therefore identical
to the registered version.
\7 \iTOP\p no longer sets screen mode and color between commands in a batch
file if echo is off.
\7 If no token found (all blanks and tabs), the command is no longer put in
the history buffer.
\7 A DoubleClick on a history window entry will now clear the command line,
execute the selected command, then put the old command back.
\iBug Fixes\p
\7 Fixed a bug which missed pipes when quoted.
\7 Repaired 'bad command or file name' message at end of run in batch files
containing \\0 and ^Z.
\7 Fixed 2 second clock loss when starting up \iTOP\p.
\7 Fixed \bVIEW\p window bug when the size of a view file changes length.
\7 Added a hash table to speed up \iTOP.INI\p processing.
\7 Fixed a bug in \bMOVE\p which prevented file dates from being preserved when
moving across drives.
\7 \iTOP\p now removes leading spaces off the command line before putting into
history buffer.
\7 Found Norton's XMS test trashed timer 2, fixed playtune to compensate.
\7 Now reset stored history line character position when 'ESC' is pressed.
\7 If \iLIST\p is autoclose, it will now reopen again.
\7 Can now scroll in \bVIEW\p window if small file, and hit maximize.
\u Release 1.01 \p
\7 Our first official release to the world! \i:-)\p
\iTOP\p (tm)\u License Agreement \p \iSee Also:\p \b!REGFORM\p
Version 1.10
\iTOP\p (tm) Command Enhancement Utility
Written by: Leon C. Williams (he never sleeps)
Executive Producer: Tom Beikirch (he complains a lot)
\iTOP\p Copyright 1990, 1991 1992 by \bTNC Technology\p.
All rights reserved, GTDR.
\iTOP\p (tm) is a trademark of \bTNC Technology\p. Direct inquiries to:
\bTNC Technology\p Voice: \i716-872-1377\p
1084 Webster Road (after 6PM M-F EST)
Webster, New York 14580 BBS: \i716-872-4913, 8-N-1\p
As with any software, \iTOP\p may inadvertently contain errors in programming
or documentation. If you find any such error, or are otherwise dissatisfied
with a registered version of \iTOP\p, you may return the entire package
at any time up to one year after purchase for a full refund of your
registration fee. This refund of your registration fee is the maximum
liability assumed by \bTNC Technology\p, which is not liable for any other
costs incurred by you for programming or documentation errors.
Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for
consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply
to you.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York and
shall inure to the benefit of \bTNC Technology\p, and any successors, admin-
istrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceeding brought by either
party against the other arising out of or related to this agreement shall
be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction
located in Monroe County, New York. The parties hereby consent to in
personam jurisdiction of said courts.
\u *** License Agreement *** \p
This is a no-nonsense license agreement in that the terms outlined
below are intended to be fair and reasonable. We do not, for example,
expect you to buy two copies for your home and laptop computer any
more than you do. So please help us maintain the integrity of this
product by reading and abiding by the simple terms below, and sign
the accompanying \iTOP\p registration form. In turn, we will continue
to provide you with a quality product at a reasonable cost.
\iTOP\p and all other programs, documentation, and data distributed or
shipped with it are copyrighted and are protected under United States
and international copyright law. The programs, documentation, and
data are collectively referred to in this manual as \iTOP\p. You are granted
a license to use your copy of \iTOP\p only under the conditions and terms
specified in this license agreement.
\iTOP\p is distributed as shareware, which means you can try it before
you buy it. It is not free or public domain. You may use \iTOP\p at no
charge for a period of 30 days. If you wish to continue using \iTOP\p
after that period, you must pay the registration fee in the accompanying
\iTOP\p registration form. If you choose not to pay the registration fee,
you must stop using \iTOP\p and delete it and all ancillary programs from
your computer. However, you may keep shareware copies and pass them
along to others who may use them at no charge for 30 days.
You may use your registered version of \iTOP\p on multiple computers,
provided there is no possibility that more than one person will be
using it at any one time. Treat this software as if it were a book:
you may loan it to someone but then you don't have it. Multiple user,
network, and corporate licenses are available from \bTNC Technology\p.
You may copy \iTOP\p for backup purposes, and you may give copies of the
unregistered shareware version of \iTOP\p to others. If you copy the un-
registered shareware version for others, you must include all the files
distributed with it. You may not charge a fee for distribution without
express permission from \bTNC Technology\p.
You may not give, sell, or otherwise transfer copies of the registered
version of \iTOP\p to any other person or company for any reason without
the written consent of \bTNC Technology\p. You may transfer ownership
of your registered version of \iTOP\p provided that when you do so, you
delete it and all accompanying programs from your computer. If you
do transfer ownership, please notify \bTNC Technology\p of the new owner
so update information can be forwarded. You may not give, sell, or
otherwise transfer your registered \iTOP\p user ID number.
\iTOP\p greatly extends the power and flexibility of your computing. We
have taken many pains to ensure the software does not get you into
trouble but, like any software, improper use can possibly damage or
delete your computer software or data. You assume full responsibility
for the selection and proper use of \iTOP\p; \bTNC Technology\p is not
responsible for any damage whatsoever resulting from errors in usage or
your failure to read and understand the instructions in the manual. If
you have any questions about the use of \iTOP\p, you may call the \bTNC\p
\bTechnology\p hot line given above.
As with any software, \iTOP\p may inadvertently contain errors in programming
or documentation. If you find any such error, or are otherwise dissatisfied
with a registered version of \iTOP\p, you may return the entire package
at any time up to one year after purchase for a full refund of your
registration fee. This refund of your registration fee is the maximum
liability assumed by \bTNC Technology\p, which is not liable for any other
costs incurred by you for programming or documentation errors.
If you do not agree with the terms in this license agreement, then
you do not have permission from the copyright holders to use \iTOP\p,
and must remove \iTOP\p from your computer.
Thank you for reading the \iTOP\p license agreement. Now, enjoy!
Release notes for \iTOP\p, Version 1.10, 15 May, 1992
Known bugs at this time:
\7 Tall Tree JLaser AT-3 RAM card with EMS 3.2 driver cannot be relied
on to maintain \iTOP\p's swap information if mode 1 operation is
selected. Mode 1 operation makes the memory available as BOTH
extended AND expanded and hence can lose data stored in one mode
when another application uses the same memory in another mode.
Either configure the card for mode 2 operation (EMS only), or set
MemoryStrategy=file in \iTOP.INI\p.
\7 If CHKDSK, NORTON DISK DOCTOR recover lost clusters disk space is
not changed. The newly created files will not immediately appear
in the \iLIST\p window. Selecting REFRESH from the \iLIST\p window system
menu will cause it to be updated.
\7 If Norton's NCACHE disk caching utility is loaded using EMS memory
prior to running \iTOP\p, and \iTOP\p's memory swapping strategy is also set
to EMS, running MS Windows and then exiting from Windows causes \iTOP\p
to abort with "Cannot load TOP (FF), aborting!" This problem has
been traced to a bug in the NCACHE utility which corrupts \iTOP\p's EMS
swap memory upon exiting Windows. Known work arounds include using a
different memory strategy for NCACHE or \iTOP\p (XMS, file), OR loading
NCACHE after loading \iTOP\p.
Please see \bHELP\p for \b!SETUP\p to answer any initial questions you may
have concerning changing \iTOP\p default parameters.
\u \p
Several enhancements to \iTOP\p are presently on the drawing board. Have any
suggestions? \iComments are welcome!!\p Please help us continue to grow this
product by registering your shareware version!
Thanks from all of us at \iTNC Technology!\p
\iSee Also:\p \b!-ASP-!\p, \b!LICENSE\p, \b!REGFORM\p, \b!SETUP\p, \b!SUPPORT\p
\iTOP\p (tm) \u Registration Form \p \iSee Also:\p \b!LICENSE\p
Version 1.10
By Mail: \bTNC Technology\p By Phone: \i716-872-1377\p
1084 Webster Road (after 6pm M-F EST)
Webster, New York 14580 BBS: \i716-872-4913, 8-N-1\p
\iTo print this form, type\p \bHELP !REGFORM > PRN\p \iat the command prompt\p
Each Quantity Price
Disk, manual, plus one upgrade............ $50 x ____ = ________
Disk only, no upgrade..................... $40 x ____ = ________
NY Residents add 7% Sales Tax...........................________
Shipping (included in continental USA, others add $3)...________
Technical support for one year from purchase date.......Included
Additional technical support / upgrade licenses.........Call TNC
Total payment...........................................________
Payment by: Check___ Money Order___
Diskette size: 5.25" acceptable___ 3.5" required___
Name: _____________________________________________________
Company: _____________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Day Phone: (___)___-____
\i*** To see the \iTOP\i license agreement, type \bHELP !LICENSE\i at ***\p
\i*** the \iTOP\i command prompt ***\p
I have read and agree to abide by the \iTOP\p license agreement.
(signed) _____________________________________________________
Where did you get \iTOP\p? Please indicate your shareware
registration number.____________________________________________
Any suggestions or comments?____________________________________
Almost everything \iTOP\p does is specified in a special configuration file
called \iTOP.INI\p. \iTOP\p reads this file on start up and uses the information
to set all your preferences. \iTOP.INI\p is located in the same directory \iTOP\p
was installed in.
\iTOP.INI\p is an ascii text file and can be modified by using your favorite
text editor. However, the most convenient way to control \iTOP.INI\p is by
using \iTOP\p's setup tool: \bTOPSET \p. See \bHELP\p for \bTOPSET\p
The default \iTOP.INI\p file loaded during installation is completely filled
out and commented to enable you to modify \iTOP.INI\p with a minimum of
manual consultation; however, the chapter \i"Customization and TOP.INI"\p
contains complete instructions and explanations if you get into trouble.
There is also a complete \iTOP.INI\p listing in the appendix.
By modifying \iTOP.INI\p using \bTOPSET\p, you will be able to change:
\7 Your initial \iTOP\p commands (like an autoexec for \iTOP\p).
See \i[InitialCommands]\p
\7 Typematic rate, Beep pitch, History size, Memory usage,
DMT timeout, and other useful startup parameters. See
\7 Video mode and Operating colors. See \i[Video]\p. Also see the
\iREADME.VGA\p file in your \iTOP\p directory.
\7 The Color palette, when using a color monitor/adapter. See
\7 The Analog Monochrome palette, when using an analog monitor
with a color adapter. See \i[AnalogMonoPalette]\p
\7 The Monochrome palette, when using a monochrome monitor/adapter.
See \i[MonochromePalette]\p
\7 The window function colors, initial size, initial position,
etc. See \i[AliasWindow]\p, \i[FilesWindow]\p, \i[HelpWindow]\p,
\i[HistoryWindow]\p, \i[ListWindow]\p, and \i[ViewWindow]\p
\7 The mouse responsiveness and click speed. See \i[Mouse]\p
\7 The \bCRON\p function job schedule. See \i[Cron]\p
\7 Initial user-defined \bALIAS\p definitions. See \i[Alias]\p
\7 Initial user-defined function key assignments. See \i[FunctionKeys]\p
\7 Assumed com port and time zone for \bNISTIME\p. See \i[Nistime]\p
If you are new to computing, you may want to make a copy of your \iTOP.INI\p
file before starting so you have a fallback.
How do I change \iTOP\p settings?
Almost everything \iTOP\p does is controlled by parameters in the
\iTOP.INI\p file. This file can be found in the directory you in-
stalled \iTOP\p into (the default directory is \\TOP on drive C:).
To change \iTOP.INI\p, you can use a text editor. Much preferred is
to use \iTOP\p's interactive setup tool, \bTOPSET\p. \bTOPSET\p is like a custom
editor just for \iTOP.INI\p, with complete on line help. To start \bTOPSET\p,
change to the TOP directory and type:
c:\top> \bTOPSET\p <enter>
How do I change the \iTOP\p default colors?
How come I can no longer change screen colors?
All colors are controlled by modifying the \iTOP.INI\p file. To
change the colors used for commands and program output, edit
the appropriate color parameters in the \i[Video]\p section. To
change the color of a window function, find the appropriate
window section in the \iTOP.INI\p file and change the desired
parameter to the new color. To change the prompt colors, modify
the TOPPROMPT or TOPTIME prompt strings in the \i[InitialCommands]\p
All colors, except for the \bPROMPT\p, are specified with numbers from
0 to 15. These will correspond to the color entries in the
\i[Palette]\p section of \iTOP.INI\p. The default \i[Palette]\p colors are
explained by requesting \bHELP\p for \b_COLORS\p.
\bPROMPT\p colors follow the ANSI \bPROMPT\p string conventions. For more
information, request \bHELP\p for \b_ANSI\p and \bPROMPT\p.
How come my PC plays tunes and puts messages on the screen? How can
I stop or change it?
The tunes and messages are sample \bCRON\p jobs that came with your
default setup. They were chosen to illustrate the potential power
and convenience of \bCRON\p, but are not in themselves very useful.
To change or remove the \bCRON\p jobs, edit the \i[Cron]\p section of
\iTOP.INI\p. As with any entry in \iTOP.INI\p, you can place a \i#\p symbol
as the first character on a line to comment the line out (disable it
without deleting it).
Why does my screen keep coming back to the same text?
How come sometimes my screen text is not restored?
If RestoreScreen is set to yes in the \i[Initialize]\p section of \iTOP.INI\p,
screen text will automatically be restored after running any program
whenever \iTOP\p detects that the video mode was changed (this is the
default setting). However, if the video mode was not changed, the
screen will not be restored.
To temporarily change whether or not \iTOP\p will restore the screen, use
the \bREFRESH\p function. To restore the screen even though the mode has
not changed (for example, if your program clears the screen but leaves
the mode intact), include the command:
as the last line of an alias or batch file which starts your program.
This will have the same effect on \iTOP\p as changing the mode without
actually changing it. To inhibit the screen restore even though the
mode has changed, include the command:
If you do not ever want the screen text restored, set RestoreScreen to
no. In that case, \iTOP\p will not save the screen text before executing a
program and the \bREFRESH\p function will be ignored.
How can I close/move/size/re-open/maximize the function windows?
Note: most function windows are only available to mouse users
in the present version.
The windows can be closed by \iLEFT-2CLICKING\p on the little
square in the upper left corner that looks like this: \i[≡]\p.
To move a window, press and hold the \iLEFT\p mouse button on
the title bar of the window and move the window to the desired
location. To resize the window, press and hold the \iLEFT\p
mouse button on any edge or corner of the window, and stretch
to the desired size.
A window can be maximized (sized to the maximum screen size),
by LEFT-CLICKING on the little up and down arrow in the upper
right corner that looks like this: \i[\18]\p. Clicking again on
the maximize button restores the window to the previous size.
To re-open a window, select it from the \iCHORD\p menu (press
both buttons and release on the desired selection). \iSee Also\p
\bHELP\p for \bwALIAS\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwLIST\p, \bwVIEW\p, \bwMOUSE\p
and \b_KEYS\p to learn more.
To change the initial size or position of a window function,
or the initial state (visible or invisible), edit the app-
ropriate section for that window in \iTOP.INI\p.
Why does my DMT or screen saver go away when I move something on my desk?
The DMT programs supplied with \iTOP\p can be stopped by pressing
any key on the keyboard, or by pressing a mouse button, or by moving
the mouse. Probably you moved the mouse when you moved something else.
If you wish to disable this feature, modify the TOPDMT environment
variable (defined in the \i[InitialCommands]\p section of \iTOP.INI\p) to
include the switch -m, which will disable sensitivity to mouse
How do I disable the DMT or screen saver?
To disable the DMT, remove the environment variable TOPDMT (defined
in the [InitialCommands] section of TOP.INI). If you want to disable
the DMT only for this session, you would type:
c:\>set topdmt=<ENTER>
If the you have a question that wasn't answered above, remember that
nearly everything is controlled by \bTOPSET\p and \iTOP.INI\p.! If you still
are experiencing difficulty, call the \iTNC Technology\p Hot line at
Voice: \i716-872-1377\p
BBS: \i716-872-4913, 8-N-1\p
\iSee Also:\p \b!-ASP-!\p, \b!LICENSE\p, \b!READ_ME\p, \b!REGFORM\p, \b!SUPPORT\p, \bTOPSET\p
Technical support is available to all registered users in many forms.
Please feel free to use the service of your choice:
\i┌──────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐\p
\i│\p \u Voice \p \i│\p \i│\p \u TOP BBS \p \i│\p \i│\p \u FAX \p \i│\p
\i│\p \i│\p \i│\p \i│\p \i│\p \i│\p
\i│\p 716-872-1377 \i│\p \i│\p 716-872-4913 \i│\p \i│\p 716-872-1377 \i│\p
\i│\p \i│\p \i│\p \i│\p \i│\p \i│\p
\i│\p Machine attended \i│\p \i│\p 8-N-1 \i│\p \i│\p Press "7" \i│\p
\i│\p during the day \i│\p \i│\p 24 hrs. \i│\p \i│\p after answer \i│\p
\i└──────────────────┘ └──────────────────┘ └──────────────────┘
\i┌──────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐
\i│\p \u US MAIL \p \i│\p \i│\p \u CompuServe \p \i│\p
\i│\p \i│\p \i│\p \i│\p
\i│\p TNC Technology \i│\p \i│\p \i│\p
\i│\pAttn: Tech Support\i│\p \i│\p 70403,2351 \i│\p
\i│\p1084 Webster Road\i│\p \i│\p \i│\p
\i│\pWebster, NY 14580\i│\p \i│\p Checked Daily \i│\p
\i└──────────────────┘ └──────────────────┘
Problem resolutions are usually posted within 48 hours. Also check the
\iTOP BBS\p for the latest \iTOP\p release!
\iSee Also:\p \b!-ASP-!\p, \b!LICENSE\p, \b!READ_ME\p, \b!REGFORM\p, \b!SETUP\p
█████ █████ █████ \iThe\p
█ █ █ █ █ \iPremier\p Copyright (c) 1990,91,92
█ █ █ █████ \iDOS Command Enhancement\p \bTNC Technology\p
█ █ █ █ \iUtility\p All Rights Reserved
█ █████ █
Direct ┌─┘\bTNC Technology\p└─┐
Inquiries │1084 Webster Road │
To: │Webster, NY 14580│ ------------
└─┐ \i716-872-1377\p ┌─┘ | \iMEMBER ASP\p |
≈└──────────────┘≈ ------------
For context sensitive help, press <F1> at any time
Mouse Users: Press and hold the L&R buttons for the window control menu!
\iPurpose:\p Instructs \iTOP\p to assign or display an alias
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bALIAS\p [name [definition [params]]]
\iOr:\p \bALIAS\p [/R aliasfile]
\iOr:\p \bALIAS\p [+|-]
\iRemarks:\p name specifies the name of the alias to be defined or displayed.
name can be the name of an internal DOS or \iTOP\p command
definition specifies the command sequence to be assigned to the
alias. If omitted, the current definition is displayed
params are optional command line parameters supplied by the user
at execution time. Within an alias, "dummy" parameters can be
included which will be replaced by the user's command line
values when the alias is executed. The dummy parameters are
%0, %1, ..., %9. %0 is always replaced by the name of the
alias, %1 by the first command line value, etc. A special
parameter, %*, can be used to represent ALL command line
/R aliasfile specifies a file containing alias definitions
+ turns \bALIAS\p debug mode on, - turns debug mode off (default)
+ also turns on debug mode for \bFKEY\p, ExecWildcard, and batch
Typing \bALIAS\p with no parameters displays all \bALIAS\p assignments
(can be redirected to a file)
If the \bALIAS\p being defined already exists, the message "Alias
redefinition - name" is displayed
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p, \bFKEY\p, \bUNALIAS\p, \bUNFKEY\p, \bwALIAS\p
[APPEND] 3.3
\iPurpose:\p Sets a search path for data files
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bAPPEND\p [/X] [/E] (first use only)
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bAPPEND\p [d:]path[;[d:]path]...]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bAPPEND\p ;
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bAPPEND\p
[d:][path][;[d:]path]...] specifies a list of drives and
directories to be searched, separated by semicolons
; by itself resets the data search path to nothing
/X extends the number of executable files that use \bAPPEND\p
/E causes appended directories to be stored in the environment
(only accepted on first use)
No parameters displays current list of appended directories
\bAPPEND\p must be invoked before \bASSIGN\p
\iSee Also:\p \bASSIGN\p, \bPATH\p
[APPEND] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Sets a search path for data files
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bAPPEND\p [/X] [/E] (first use only)
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bAPPEND\p [d:]path[;[d:]path]...]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bAPPEND\p [path] [/X:ON]|[/X:OFF] [/PATH:ON] [/PATH:OFF]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bAPPEND\p ;
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bAPPEND\p
[d:][path][;[d:]path]...] specifies a list of drives and
directories to be searched, separated by semicolons
; by itself resets the data search path to nothing
/X extends the number of executable files that use \bAPPEND\p
/X:ON|OFF turns /X search on or off
/E causes appended directories to be stored in the environment
(only accepted on first use)
/PATH:ON|OFF enables/disables files with drives and/or paths to
be processed
No parameters displays current list of appended directories
\bAPPEND\p must be invoked before \bASSIGN\p
\iSee Also:\p \bASSIGN\p, \bPATH\p
[ASSIGN] 3.0-4.0
\iPurpose:\p Instructs DOS to route disk I/O requests for one drive into disk
I/O requests for another drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bASSIGN\p [x[=]y [...]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bASSIGN\p
x specifies current drive letter where disk I/O requests are
y specifies drive letter where you want disk I/O requests sent
[...] more than one assignment can appear
No parameters resets all drive assignments
\iSee Also:\p \bJOIN\p, \bSUBST\p
[ASSIGN] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Instructs DOS to route disk I/O requests for one drive into disk
I/O requests for another drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bASSIGN\p [x[=]y [...]] [/STATUS|/STA|/S]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bASSIGN\p
x specifies current drive letter where disk I/O requests are
y specifies drive letter where you want disk I/O requests sent
[...] more than one assignment can appear
/STATUS displays a list of the current assignments
No parameters resets all drive assignments
\iSee Also:\p \bJOIN\p, \bSUBST\p
\iPurpose:\p Set or clear the archive, read-only, system, or hidden
file or directory attribute
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bATTRIB\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
[+R|-R] [+A|-A] [+S|-S] [+H|-H] [/S]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies filename. Multiple filename
arguments and enhanced wildcards are allowed
+R sets read only attribute, -R removes read only attribute
+A sets archive attribute, -A removes archive attribute
+S sets system file attribute, -S removes system file attribute
+H sets hidden attribute, -H removes hidden attribute
/S causes all subdirectories to be processed as well
Note: filename only displays displays current attributes
\iSee Also:\p \bBACKUP\p, \bXCOPY\p, \bDIR\p, \b_*WILD*\p
[BACKUP] 3.0-3.2
\iPurpose:\p Backs up one or more files from one disk to another
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bBACKUP\p x:[path][filename[.ext]] y: [/S] [/M] [/A]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bBACKUP\p
x: specifies the backup source drive
[path][filename[.ext]] specifies the name of the file to back up
y: specifies the backup destination drive
/S include subdirectories in backup
/M only files modified since last backup (archive attribute set)
/A add file to be backed up to those already present on the
backup disk
/D:date only files modified on or after date specified
\iSee Also:\p \bRESTORE\p
[BACKUP] 3.3
\iPurpose:\p Backs up one or more files from one disk to another
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bBACKUP\p x:[path][filename[.ext]] y: [/S] [/M] [/A]
[/F] [D:mm-dd-yy] [T:time] [L[:[d:][path]filename]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bBACKUP\p
x: specifies the backup source drive
[path][filename[.ext]] specifies the name of the file to back up
y: specifies the backup destination drive
/S include subdirectories in backup
/M only files modified since last backup (archive attribute set)
/A add file to be backed up to those already present on the
backup disk
/F causes the backup disk to be formatted if required
/D:date only files modified on or after date specified
/T:time only files modified on or after time specified
/L make a backup log entry in backup.log, or the specified file
\iSee Also:\p \bRESTORE\p
[BACKUP] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Backs up one or more files from one disk to another
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bBACKUP\p x:[path][filename[.ext]] y: [/S] [/M] [/A]
[/F:size] [D:mm-dd-yy] [T:time] [L[:[d:][path]filename]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bBACKUP\p
x: specifies the backup source drive
[path][filename[.ext]] specifies the name of the file to back up
y: specifies the backup destination drive
/S include subdirectories in backup
/M only files modified since last backup (archive attribute set)
/A add file to be backed up to those already present on the
backup disk
/F:size causes the backup disk to be formatted to size if
/D:date only files modified on or after date specified
/T:time only files modified on or after time specified
/L make a backup log entry in backup.log, or the specified file
\iSee Also:\p \bRESTORE\p
\iPurpose:\p Instructs \iTOP\p to reboot your system after confirmation.
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bBOOT\p [/C] [/NOCONF]
\iRemarks:\p /C causes a cold boot
/NOCONF will proceed without confirmation
\iPurpose:\p Instructs DOS to check for a control break during program
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bBREAK\p [ON|OFF]
\iRemarks:\p ON sets \bBREAK\p=ON, OFF sets \bBREAK\p=OFF (default)
No parameters displays current \bBREAK\p setting
\iPurpose:\p Calls a batch file from within another and returns
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCALL\p [d:][path]batchfile[.BAT] [label]
\iRemarks:\p batchfile is the batch file to be called
label specifies the point at which the calling batch file
resumes execution when the called batch file terminates. If
omitted, the command immediately following the \bCALL\p command
is executed.
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p
\iPurpose:\p Change or display the current directory of the specified drive
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCD\p [d:][path]
\iRemarks:\p [d:] specifies drive to change or display directory of
[path] specifies desired directory path
No parameters will display the current directory
\iSee Also:\p \bCDD\p, \bCHDIR\p, \bMKDIR\p, \bMD\p, \bRMDIR\p, \bRD\p
\iPurpose:\p Change or display the current drive and directory
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCDD\p [d:][path]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies the drive and directory to change to
No parameters will display the current drive and directory
\iSee Also:\p \bCHDIR\p, \bCD\p, \bMKDIR\p, \bMD\p, \bRMDIR\p, \bRD\p
[CHCP] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Display or change command.com's current code page
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCHCP\p [nnn]
\iRemarks:\p nnn is the desired code page
no parameters displays the current code page
\iPurpose:\p Change or display the current directory of the specified drive
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCHDIR\p [d:][path]
\iOr:\p CD [d:][path]
\iRemarks:\p [d:] specifies drive to change or display directory of
[path] specifies desired directory path
No parameters will display the current directory
\iSee Also:\p \bCD\p, \bCDD\p, \bMKDIR\p, \bMD\p, \bRMDIR\p, \bRD\p
[CHKDSK] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Analyzes directories, files, and File Allocation Table of a
designated drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bCHKDSK\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]] [/F] [/V]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bCHKDSK\p
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] specifies drive, path, and filename
to be checked.
/F allows \bCHKDSK\p to fix detected errors
/V displays all files and paths on the specified drive
\iPurpose:\p Clears the display screen
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCLS\p
[COMMAND] 3.0-3.1
\iPurpose:\p Start a secondary command processor
\iFormat:\p \bCOMMAND\p [d:][path] [/P] [/C string]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies the drive and directory searched for the
new command processor
/P causes the new command processor to be permanent
/C allows you to pass a command specified by string to the new
command processor, then exit when the command is completed
\iSee Also:\p \b_CONFIG\p, \bEXIT\p
[COMMAND] 3.2-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Start a secondary command processor
\iFormat:\p \bCOMMAND\p [d:][path] [/P] [/C string] [/E:xxxxx]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies the drive and directory searched for the
new command processor
/P causes the new command processor to be permanent
/C allows you to pass a command specified by string to the new
command processor, then exit when the command is completed
/E:xxxxx sets the size of the environment (base 10)
\iSee Also:\p \b_CONFIG\p, \bEXIT\p
\iPurpose:\p Start a secondary command processor
\iFormat:\p \bCOMMAND\p [d:][path] [cttydev] [/P] [/C string] [/E:xxxxx]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies the drive and directory searched for the
new command processor
cttydev allows specification of a different I/O device (such
as AUX)
/P causes the new command processor to be permanent
/C allows you to pass a command specified by string to the new
command processor, then exit when the command is completed
/E:xxxxx sets the size of the environment (base 10)
\iSee Also:\p \b_CONFIG\p, \bEXIT\p
\iPurpose:\p Start a secondary command processor
\iFormat:\p \bCOMMAND\p [d:][path] [cttydev] [/P] [/C string] [/E:xxxxx]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies the drive and directory searched for the
new command processor
cttydev allows specification of a different I/O device (such
as AUX)
/P causes the new command processor to be permanent
/C allows you to pass a command specified by string to the new
command processor, then exit when the command is completed
/E:xxxxx sets the size of the environment (base 10)
/MSG store error messages in memory (use only if DOS is run
from floppy)
\iSee Also:\p \b_CONFIG\p, \bEXIT\p
[COMP] 3.0-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Compares the contents of two sets files
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bCOMP\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bCOMP\p
[d:][path]filename[.ext] the first set of files to compare
[d:][path]filename[.ext] the second set of files to compare
\iSee Also:\p \bDISKCOMP\p
[COMP] 4.0
\iPurpose:\p Compares the contents of two sets files
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bCOMP\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bCOMP\p
[d:][path]filename[.ext] the first set of files to compare
[d:][path]filename[.ext] the second set of files to compare
\iSee Also:\p \bDISKCOMP\p, \bFC\p
[COMP] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Compares the contents of two sets files
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bCOMP\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]
[[d:][path][filename[.ext]] [/A] [/D] [/L] [/N=n] [/C]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bCOMP\p
[d:][path]filename[.ext] the first set of files to compare
[d:][path]filename[.ext] the second set of files to compare
/A displays differences as characters
/D displays differences in decimal format
/L displays line number of difference (instead of byte offset)
/N compare the first n lines only
/C disable case sensitive compare
\iSee Also:\p \bDISKCOMP\p, \bFC\p
\iPurpose:\p Queries the user with "Confirm (Y/N)?", then sets the error
level exit flag to 1 for Y, 0 for N. Useful mostly in batch files
(test with 'if errorlevel ...').
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCONFIRM\p [remark]
\iRemarks:\p remark will be displayed in place of "Confirm" if included
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p, \bIF\p, \bPAUSE\p
\iPurpose:\p Copy one or more files to the specified disk and/or path
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCOPY\p [/A|/B] [d:][path]srcname[.ext] [/A|/B]
[+[d:][path]addname[.ext] [/A|/B] [+...]] [+,,]
[d:][path][dstname[.ext]] [/A|/B] [/V] [/!]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]srcname[.ext] specifies files to be copied
Enhanced wildcards are allowed
+[d:][path]addname[.ext] specifies file(s) to be appended to
source while copying
[d:][path][dstname[.ext]] specifies the destination file, disk
or path
/A file is treated as an ASCII file. If /A is first on the
command line before any filenames, it applies to all
subsequent files until a /B is encountered. When /A follows
a filename, it applies to the preceding file and all
subsequent files until a /B is encountered
/B file is treated as a binary file. If /B is first on the
command line before any filenames, it applies to all
subsequent files until a /A is encountered. When /B follows
a filename, it applies to the preceding file and all
subsequent files until a /A is encountered
+,, assigns the current date and time to the destination file
even when not appending
/V causes DOS to verify sector writes
/! causes copy of all BUT the specified files. Ignored if
appending files
If no destination name given, copies the source file with the
same name to the current drive and path
\iSee Also:\p \bBACKUP\p, \bMOVE\p, \bXCOPY\p, \b_*WILD*\p
\iPurpose:\p Sets or clears CRON debug assist mode, or displays currently
scheduled \bCRON\p jobs
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCRON\p [+|-|NOW]
\iRemarks:\p + turns \bCRON\p debug mode on, - turns debug mode off (default)
NOW resets event clock schedule to the current time
No parameters will display the currently scheduled \bCRON\p jobs
Note: \bCRON\p jobs are set up and controlled in the \i[Cron]\p section
of your \iTOP.INI\p file
[CTTY] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Changes or restores the standard I/O console
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bCTTY\p devicename
\iRemarks:\p devicename specifies device to use as the primary console.
Choices are AUX, COM1, COM2, NUL, or CON.
CON restores standard screen and keyboard operation
[DATE] 3.0-3.2
\iPurpose:\p Sets or displays the current date known to DOS
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bDATE\p [mm-dd-yy]
\iRemarks:\p mm specifies month, 1-12
dd specifies day, 1-31
yy specifies year, 80-99
No parameters causes current date to be displayed
\iSee Also:\p \bNISTIME\p, \bTIME\p
[DATE] 3.3-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Sets or displays the current date known to DOS, and updates
the CMOS memory to reflect the change
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bDATE\p [mm-dd-yy]
\iRemarks:\p mm specifies month, 1-12
dd specifies day, 1-31
yy specifies year, 80-79 or 1980-2079
No parameters causes current date to be displayed
\iSee Also:\p \bNISTIME\p, \bTIME\p
[DEBUG] 3.0-4.0
\iPurpose:\p Load, alter, or display any file; execute machine language
object files; directly modify, patch and execute programs
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p \bDEBUG\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]] [parm1] [parm2] [...]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bDEBUG\p
[d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to be debugged
parm1, etc. are parameters of the program specified by filename
┌──────────────────────DEBUG commands are:\i*\p─────────────────────────┐
│Assemble: A [add] Name: N filename[.ext] │
│Compare: C rng add Output: O portadd byte │
│Dump: D [add]|[rng] Proceed: P [=add][ val] │
│Enter: E add [list] Quit: Q │
│Fill: F rng list Register: R [regname] │
│Go: G [=add[ add[ add]] Search: S rng list │
│Hexarith: H val val Trace: T [=add][ val] │
│Input: I portadd Unassemble: U [add]|[rng] │
│Load: L [add[ drv sec sec]] Write: W [add[ drv sec sec]]│
│Move: M rng add │
\i*\padd=address, drv=drive(0 is A), portadd=portaddress, rng=range,
sec=sector, val=value, list is a group of hex bytes and/or strings
[DEBUG] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Load, alter, or display any file; execute machine language
object files; directly modify, patch and execute programs
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p \bDEBUG\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]] [parm1] [parm2] [...]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bDEBUG\p
[d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to be debugged
parm1, etc. are parameters of the program specified by filename
┌──────────────────────DEBUG commands are:\i*\p─────────────────────────┐
│Assemble: A [add] Name: N filename[.ext] │
│Compare: C rng add Output: O portadd byte │
│Dump: D [add]|[rng] Proceed: P [=add][ val] │
│Enter: E add [list] Quit: Q │
│Fill: F rng list Register: R [regname] │
│Go: G [=add[ add[ add]] Search: S rng list │
│Hexarith: H val val Trace: T [=add][ val] │
│Input: I portadd Unassemble: U [add]|[rng] │
│Load: L [add[ drv sec sec]] Write: W [add[ drv sec sec]]│
│Move: M rng add Help: ? │
\i*\padd=address, drv=drive(0 is A), portadd=portaddress, rng=range,
sec=sector, val=value, list is a group of hex bytes and/or strings
[DEL] 3.0-4.0
\iPurpose:\p Delete the specified file
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bDEL\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
[/!] [/R] [/H] [/Y] [/NOCONF] [/P] [/V]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to be deleted.
Multiple filename arguments and enhanced wildcards are allowed
/! causes deletion of all BUT the specified files
/R allows read-only files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/H allows hidden files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/Y allows system files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/NOCONF will proceed without confirmation,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/P prompts you before each deletion occurs (/P will override
/V verbose: causes summary of file space deleted
\iSee Also:\p \bERASE\p, \bMOVE\p, \bXDEL\p, \b_*WILD*\p
[DEL] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Delete the specified file
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bDEL\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
[/!] [/R] [/H] [/Y] [/NOCONF] [/P] [/V]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to be deleted.
Multiple filename arguments and enhanced wildcards are allowed
/! causes deletion of all BUT the specified files
/R allows read-only files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/H allows hidden files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/Y allows system files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/NOCONF will proceed without confirmation,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/P prompts you before each deletion occurs (/P will override
/V verbose: causes summary of file space deleted
\iSee Also:\p \bERASE\p, \bMOVE\p, \bUNDELETE\p, \bXDEL\p, \b_*WILD*\p
\iPurpose:\p List all or specified directory entries. By default,
\bDIR\p displays all but hidden files (also see /A below)
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bDIR\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]] [/!] [/P] [/W]
[/A[[:][-]H|S|D|A|R|*]] [/O[[:][-]N|E|D|S|G]] [/S] [/B]
[/L[:][F|D]] [/#[D|S]] [/C[:][A|D|N|R|S|T[...]]] [/J] [/R]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]] specifies file(s) to be listed.
Multiple filename arguments and enhanced wildcards are allowed
Note: \bDIR\p automatically replaces certain file specifications
as follows:
.X is automatically replaced by *.X
X is automatically replaced by X.*
X. is NOT replaced (it matches files with no extension)
where X is any group of characters, including wildcards
/! displays all BUT the specified files
/P will pause the screen display when full
/W displays directory information in wide format
/A displays files only with the specified attribute:
H hidden files
S system files
D directories files
A archive set files
R read only files
* all files
The use of - means "not", eg. -H means files not hidden
/O specifies sort criteria:
N alpha by name
E alpha by extension
D by date
S by size
G group dirs first
The use of - reverses the sort order (last to first)
/S include subdirectories
/B suppresses heading and summary information, overrides /W
/L display in lower case. The following can also be added:
F display only files in lower case
D display only directories in lower case
Using /LDF is the same as using /L
/# display entries in # column format. # can be:
0 one column name, size, date, time, attrib (DOS-like)
1 one column name, size, date, time, attrib in verbose mode
2 two columns, name, date, size, time, attrib
3 three columns, name, size, date
4 four columns, name, date. Additionally:
4D name and date
4S name and size
If /# is not specified, displays in one column DOS-like mode
/C specifies \bDIR\p colors:
A attributes
D date
N names
R directories
S size
T time
Each letter is followed by the color number desired. Multiple
entries can be specified simultaneously, eg. /Ca2n13d4
Note: DIR file extension based colors are set by modifying
the \i[DirFileColors]\p section of \iTOP.INI\p
/J justify (decimal align) file/dir names
/R display in row order in multi-column modes
/D display only files with dates greater (newer) than or equal
to mm-dd-yy. If no date given, displays only files with dates
equal to the current date.
Note: you can preset \bDIR\p parameters and switches by setting the
TOPDIRCMD and/or the DIRCMD environment variable
\iSee Also:\p \b!SETUP\p, \bXDIR\p, \b_*WILD*\p
\iPurpose:\p Display the current directory stack as saved using PUSHD
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bDIRS\p
\iSee Also:\p \bPUSHD\p, \bPOPD\p
[DISKCOMP] 3.0-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Compares the contents of two entire diskettes
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bDISKCOMP\p [d: [d:]] [/1] [/8]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bDISKCOMP\p
[d:] specifies the source drive
[d:] specifies the target drive
/1 compares only the first side of the diskettes
/8 compares only 8 sectors per track
\iSee Also:\p \bCOMP\p
[DISKCOMP] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Compares the contents of two entire diskettes
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bDISKCOMP\p [d: [d:]] [/1] [/8]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bDISKCOMP\p
[d:] specifies the source drive
[d:] specifies the target drive
/1 compares only the first side of the diskettes
/8 compares only 8 sectors per track
\iSee Also:\p \bCOMP\p, \bFC\p
[DISKCOPY] 3.0-4.0
\iPurpose:\p Copies the entire contents of the diskette in the source drive
to the diskette in the target drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bDISKCOPY\p [d: [d:]] [/1]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bDISKCOPY\p
[d:] specifies the source drive
[d:] specifies the target drive (can be same as source)
/1 copies only the first side of the diskettes
Note: \bDISKCOPY\p works only with floppy drives
\iSee Also:\p \bCOPY\p, \bXCOPY\p
\iPurpose:\p Copies the entire contents of the diskette in the source drive
to the diskette in the target drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bDISKCOPY\p [d: [d:]] [/1] [/V]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bDISKCOPY\p
[d:] specifies the source drive
[d:] specifies the target drive (can be same as source)
/1 copies only the first side of the diskettes
/V verifies the copied information (but runs slower)
Note: \bDISKCOPY\p works only with floppy drives
\iSee Also:\p \bCOPY\p, \bXCOPY\p
[DOSKEY] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Enable DOS's recall and edit of DOS commands
\iType:\p DOS External (TSR)
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bDOSKEY\p [/REINSTALL] [/BUFSIZE=size] [/M[ACROS]]
[/H[ISTORY]] [/INSTERT|/OVERSTRIKE] [macroname=[text]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bDOSKEY\p
/REINSTALL installs a new copy of \bDOSKEY\p
/BUFSIZE allocates size bytes for command and macro storage
(default is 512 bytes)
/MACROS displays the current list of defined macros
/HISTORY displays the current list of stored commands
/INSERT specifies new text you type is inserted into old text
/OVERSTRIKE specifies new text replaces old text
macroname=[text] creates a macro and assigns commands to it
\u Note: DOSKEY does not have to be loaded for TOP to perform \p
\u command recall and edit! \p
\iSee Also:\p \bHISTORY\p, \b_KEYS\p
\iPurpose:\p Enable or prevent screen echo of commands, or displays a
message to the screen. Can be used in a batch file.
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p [@]\bECHO\p [ON|OFF|message]
\iRemarks:\p ON enables screen echo (default)
OFF disables screen echo
message writes message on the standard output device
@ causes the command itself to not be echoed
No parameters displays current \bECHO\p state
Note: to echo a blank line, type "\bECHO\p."
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p
[EDIT] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Starts the DOS full screen ascii editor
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bEDIT\p [[d:][path]filename] [/B] [/G] [/H]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bEDIT\p
[[d:][path]filename] specifies the to be edited
/B specifies black and white mode
/G uses the fastest screen updating for CGA monitors
/H displays maximum lines for the current monitor
/NOHI enables use of 8 color monitors (default is 16 colors)
Note: \bEDIT\p will not work if the file QBASIC.EXE is not in
the current directory or path
\iSee Also:\p \bEDLIN\p, \bQBASIC\p
[EDLIN] 3.0-4.0
\iPurpose:\p Starts the DOS line by line text editor
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bEDLIN\p [[d:][path]filename] [/B]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bEDLIN\p
[[d:][path]filename] specifies files to be edited
/B specifies the file is to be treated as binary
┌──────────────────────EDLIN commands are:──────────────────────────┐
│Append: [n]A Copy: [line],[line],line[,count]C│
│Delete: [line][,line]D Edit: [line] │
│End: E Insert: [line]I │
│List: [line][,line]L Move: [line],[line],lineM │
│Page: [line][,line]P Quit: Q │
│Replace: [line][,line] Search: [line][,line] [?]S[string] │
│ [?]R[string] │
│ [<F6>string] │
│Write: [n]W Transfer: [line]T:[d:]filename │
[EDLIN] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Starts the DOS line by line text editor
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bEDLIN\p [[d:][path]filename] [/B]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bEDLIN\p
[[d:][path]filename] specifies files to be edited
/B specifies the file is to be treated as binary
┌──────────────────────EDLIN commands are:──────────────────────────┐
│Append: [n]A Copy: [line],[line],line[,count]C│
│Delete: [line][,line]D Edit: [line] │
│End: E Insert: [line]I │
│List: [line][,line]L Move: [line],[line],lineM │
│Page: [line][,line]P Quit: Q │
│Replace: [line][,line] Search: [line][,line] [?]S[string] │
│ [?]R[string] Transfer: [line]T:[d:]filename │
│ [<F6>string] │
│Write: [n]W Help: ? │
\iSee Also:\p \bEDIT\p
[ERASE] 3.0-4.0
\iPurpose:\p Delete the specified file
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bERASE\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
[/!] [/R] [/H] [/Y] [/NOCONF] [/P] [/V]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to be deleted.
Multiple filename arguments and enhanced wildcards are allowed
/! causes deletion of all BUT the specified files
/R allows read-only files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/H allows hidden files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/Y allows system files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/NOCONF will proceed without confirmation,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/P prompts you before each deletion occurs (/P will override
/V verbose: causes summary of file space deleted
\iSee Also:\p \bDEL\p, \bMOVE\p, \bXDEL\p, \b_*WILD*\p
[ERASE] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Delete the specified file
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bERASE\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
[/!] [/R] [/H] [/Y] [/NOCONF] [/P] [/V]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to be deleted.
Multiple filename arguments and enhanced wildcards are allowed
/! causes deletion of all BUT the specified files
/R allows read-only files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/H allows hidden files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/Y allows system files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/NOCONF will proceed without confirmation,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/P prompts you before each deletion occurs (/P will override
/V verbose: causes summary of file space deleted
\iSee Also:\p \bDEL\p, \bMOVE\p, \bUNDELETE\p, \bXDEL\p, \b_*WILD*\p
[EXE2BIN] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Converts .EXE files to .COM or .BIN files
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bEXE2BIN\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bEXE2BIN\p
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] specifies the file to be converted
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] specifies the destination file
\iPurpose:\p Exits the current command processor
\iType:\p \iTOP\p or DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bEXIT\p
\iSee Also:\p \bCOMMAND\p, \b\b!TOP\p\p
[EXPAND] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Expands a compressed DOS file from the installation disk
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bEXPAND\p [d:][path]filename [...]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bEXPAND\p
[[d:][path]destination] specifies the drive, path, and file
name of the expanded file(s)
Note: wildcards (* and ?) are not allowed
\iPurpose:\p Decreases time needed to open frequently used files and
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bFASTOPEN\p [d:][=n]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bFASTOPEN\p
d: specifies drive for \bFASTOPEN\p to track
n is the number of files \bFASTOPEN\p will work with, 10-999
[FASTOPEN] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Decreases time needed to open frequently used files and
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bFASTOPEN\p [d:][=(n,m)][...]] [/X]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bFASTOPEN\p [d:][=([n],m)][...]] [/X]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bFASTOPEN\p
d: specifies drive for \bFASTOPEN\p to track
n is the number of files \bFASTOPEN\p will work with, 10-999
m is the number of extent file entries on the drive
specified, 1-999
/X specifies use of expanded memory (LIM 4.0)
[FC] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Compares two files, or two sets of files, and displays the
difference between them
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bFC\p [/A] [/C] [/L] [/LB n] [/N] [/T] [/W]
[/nnnn] [d:][path]file1 [d:][path]file2
\iOr:\p [d:][path]FC [/B] [/nnnn] [d:][path]file1 [d:][path]file2
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bFC\p
/A displays only the lines that begin and end each set of
/B forces a binary comparison, byte by byte, no resync
/C ignore case
/L compare in ascii mode
/LB n sets the internal line buffer to n lines
/N display line numbers
/T do not expand tabs to spaces
/W compress white space during comparison
/nnnn specifies the number of lines that must match after a
difference is found
\iSee Also:\p \bCOMP\p, \bDISKCOMP\p
[FDISK] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Create, modify, or delete a DOS fixed disk partition
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bFDISK\p
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains FDISK
\iSee Also:\p \u !!Your DOS Manual!! \p
[FIND] 3.0-4.0
\iPurpose:\p Search for and send all lines from the specified file names
that contain the specified string to the standard output device
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bFIND\p [/V] [/C] [/N] "string"
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bFIND\p
/V display all lines NOT containing string
/C display a count of lines containing string
/N display a relative line number of each matching line
"string" case sensitive match string
[d:][path]filename[.ext].. specifies files to be searched
[FIND] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Search for and send all lines from the specified file names
that contain the specified string to the standard output device
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bFIND\p [/V] [/C] [/N] [/I] "string"
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bFIND\p
/V display all lines NOT containing string
/C display a count of lines containing string
/N display a relative line number of each matching line
/I disable case sensitive search
"string" case sensitive match string
[d:][path]filename[.ext].. specifies files to be searched
\iPurpose:\p Instructs \iTOP\p to assign or display a keystroke function
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bFKEY\p [key [definition[params]]]
\iOr:\p \bFKEY\p [/R fkeyfile]
\iRemarks:\p key specifies the name of the keystroke function to be defined
or displayed. key can be F1-12, CtrlF1-12, AltF1-12,
ShiftF1-12, or AltA-Z. Note using F1-10 will replace the
edit functions on those keys
definition specifies the command sequence to be assigned to key.
If omitted, current definition is displayed
params are optional command line parameters supplied by the user
prior to pressing key. Within a keystroke function, "dummy"
parameters can be included which will be replaced by the
user's command line values when the key is pressed. The dummy
parameters are %0, %1, ..., %9. %0 is always replaced by the
string 'FKEY', %1 by the first command line value, etc. A
special parameter, %*, can be used to represent ALL command
line arguments
/R fkeyfile specifies a file containing function definitions
Typing \bFKEY\p with no parameters will display all keystroke
function assignments (can be redirected to a file)
If the \bFKEY\p being defined already exists, the message "Fkey
redefinition - key" is displayed
Note: to help debug \bFKEY\p use \bALIAS\p +. See \bALIAS\p
\iSee Also:\p \bALIAS\p, \b_BATCH\p, \bUNFKEY\p, \bUNALIAS\p
\iPurpose:\p Allows repetitive execution of DOS or \iTOP\p commands
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bFOR\p %%variable IN (set) DO command
\iRemarks:\p %%variable is sequentially set to each member in set, and the
command is evaluated and executed. To avoid conflict with
batch file parameters, variable can be any letter except 0-9
set can include members involving * and ? and path names, and
if so will be expanded to every matching item from the disk
in the current or specified directory. Enhanced wildcards
are allowed
%% is required for execution within a batch file. At the command
prompt, only include one %.
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p, \b_*WILD*\p
[FORMAT] 3.0-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Initializes a disk to the recording format used by DOS
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bFORMAT\p d: [/S] [/1] [/4] [/8] [/V] [/B]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bFORMAT\p
d: specifies the drive to be formatted
/S copy the operating system files to the new disk
/1 format the disk for single-sided use only
/4 format a double-sided disk in a high density drive
/8 format the disk for 8 sectors per track
/V give the disk a volume label
/B format the disk for 8 sectors per track and leave room for
the system files but don't copy them
\iSee Also:\p \bLABEL\p
[FORMAT] 4.0
\iPurpose:\p Initializes a disk to the recording format used by DOS
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bFORMAT\p d: [/1] [/4] [/8] [/N:sectors] [/T:tracks]
[/V[:label]] [/B|/S]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]FORMAT d:[/V[:label]] [/F:size] [/S]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bFORMAT\p
d: specifies the drive to be formatted
/1 format the disk for single-sided use only
/4 format a double-sided disk in a high density drive
/8 format the disk for 8 sectors per track
/N:sectors specifies the number of sectors per track
/T:tracks specifies the number of tracks on the disk
/B format the disk and leave room for the system files but
don't copy them
/S copy the operating system files to the new disk. The new
disk must have a size equal or greater than 1.2MBytes
/V:label specifies the volume label to use
/F:size specifies the disk size (cannot be used with /N and /T)
\iSee Also:\p \bLABEL\p, \bVOL\p
[FORMAT] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Initializes a disk to the recording format used by DOS
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bFORMAT\p d: [/Q] [/U] [/1] [/4] [/8]
[/N:sectors /T:tracks] [/V[:label]] [/B|/S]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]FORMAT d: [/V[:label]] [/F:size] [/S]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bFORMAT\p
d: specifies the drive to be formatted
/Q disable scan for bad areas
/U unconditional format of disk (cannot be unformatted)
/1 format the disk for single-sided use only
/4 format a double-sided disk in a high density drive
/8 format the disk for 8 sectors per track
/N:sectors specifies the number of sectors per track
/T:tracks specifies the number of tracks on the disk
/B format the disk and leave room for the system files but
don't copy them
/S copy the operating system files to the new disk. The new
disk must have a size equal or greater than 1.2MBytes
/V:label specifies the volume label to use
/F:size specifies the disk size (cannot be used with /N and /T)
\iSee Also:\p \bLABEL\p, \bUNFORMAT\p, \bVOL\p
\iPurpose:\p \bGOTO\p is used only in a batch file. Transfers control to a line
following the one containing the specified label. A label is
inserted as a colon (:) followed by a label name.
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bGOTO\p [:]label
\iRemarks:\p label is an identifier in the batch file where control will be
transferred to
: is optional in the \bGOTO\p command, left over from earlier DOS
versions. However, to define a label, the colon must be
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p
[GRAFTABL] 3.0-3.2
\iPurpose:\p Loads a table of additional character data for the color /
graphics adapter into memory
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bGRAFTABL\p
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bGRAFTABL\p
\iSee Also:\p \bGRAPHICS\p
\iPurpose:\p Loads a table of additional character data for the color /
graphics adapter into memory
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bGRAFTABL\p [xxx]|[/STATUS]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bGRAFTABL\p
xxx is a code page i.d. number, 437, 860, 863, or 865
/STATUS displays the active character set
\iSee Also:\p \bGRAPHICS\p
[GRAFTABL] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Loads a table of additional character data for the color /
graphics adapter into memory
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bGRAFTABL\p [xxx]|[/STA[TUS]]|[?]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bGRAFTABL\p
xxx is a code page i.d. number, 437, 850, 860, 863, or 865
/STA[TUS] displays the active character set
? displays instructions for using \bGRAFTABL\p, including possible
code page IDs
\iSee Also:\p \bGRAPHICS\p
[GRAPHICS] 3.0-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Allows printing of the color / graphics display on an IBM
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bGRAPHICS\p type [/R] [/B]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bGRAPHICS\p
/R print black as black and white as white (else reversed)
/B print the background color
\iSee Also:\p \bGRAFTABL\p
[GRAPHICS] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Allows printing of the color / graphics display on an IBM
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bGRAPHICS\p type [profile] [/R] [/B]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bGRAPHICS\p
profile is a file containing information on supported printers
(graphics.pro is used if omitted)
/R print black as black and white as white (else reversed)
/B print the background in color if type is COLOR4 or COLOR8
/LCD prints with LCD aspect ratio instead of CGA aspect ratio
(same as /PRINTBOX:LCD)
/PRINTBOX:id selects print box size, STD or LCD. PRINTBOX can be
abbreviated as PB
\iSee Also:\p \bGRAFTABL\p
On line, context sensitive \bHELP\p is available for all \iTOP\p and DOS commands.
\bHELP\p is also DOS version sensitive. Unlike other lesser shell utilities,
\iTOP\p's \bHELP\p facility is available SIMULTANEOUSLY with the command line!
\bHELP\p can be obtained in four ways:
\7 Press \i<F1>\p for context sensitive \bHELP\p (press \i<Alt-F1>\p to close)
\7 With a mouse, select \bHELP\p from the chord pop-up menu (see \bwMOUSE\p)
\7 Type '\bHELP\p [topic]' at the command line
\7 Type a command and include a \i/?\p switch, eg. \bDIR\p \i/?\p
Once the \bHELP\p window is displayed, it can be scrolled using the mouse or
by pressing \i<Ctrl-Page-Up>\p and \i<Ctrl-Page Down>\p (also \i<Ctrl-Up-Arrow>\p
and \i<Ctrl-Down-Arrow>\p on many keyboards).
For all \bHELP\p, keywords are CAPITALIZED, options are in square [] brackets.
\u Context Sensistive HELP \p
Pressing \i<F1>\p brings up the \bHELP\p window. If any text is on the command
line (typed either before or after pressing \i<F1>\p), the best match topic
will be displayed. Continued presses of \i<F1>\p will cycle through topic
matches, including the topic list.
\u Printing HELP Information \p
Typing '\bHELP\p [topic]' at the command line, or typing a command followed by
a \i/?\p switch, will send \bHELP\p for the requested topic to the screen.
Graphics characters will be stripped out. Either method can be used to
redirect \bHELP\p information to a printer or file, eg.:
\bHELP\p \bHELP\p >PRN
\bHELP\p \i/?\p >PRN
will print \bHELP\p for \bHELP\p. Typing \bHELP\p with no topic will list the avail-
able topics.
\u Mouse Users \p
Selecting \bHELP\p from the chord pop-up menu also brings up the \bHELP\p window.
At any time the \bHELP\p window is displayed, clicking the left mouse button
over any word in the \bHELP\p window will cause \bHELP\p to be displayed for that
topic if available. Available topics are generally in bold type, such as
the word \bHELP\p.
\bHELP\p topics can also be dragged into the \bHELP\p window. Press and hold the
left mouse button over any selected text and move it into the \bHELP\p
window. See \bHELP\p for \bwMOUSE\p.
\u General \p
The \bHELP\p window colors and state are controlled by the \i[HelpWindow]\p
section in the \iTOP.INI\p file. See \bHELP\p for \b!SETUP\p to modify \iTOP.INI\p.
All \bHELP\p is contained in a file called \iTOP.HLP\p contained in your \iTOP\p dir-
ectory. This is an ASCII file and is user editable. See the manual for
more information, or read the preface in the \iTOP.HLP\p file.
\iSee Also:\p \bwHELP\p, \bwMOUSE\p, \b!SETUP\p
\iPurpose:\p Displays the contents of the current history buffer
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bHISTORY\p [n] [>[d:][path]filename]
\iRemarks:\p > redirects output to filename to save history buffer contents
n limits the display to the most recent n commands
Note: the \bHISTORY\p buffer can be \iALL\pways updated or only updated
when \iUNIQUE\p commands (commands which are new, or recalled but
editted) are issued. See the HistoryReissueSave slice in the
\i[Initialize]\p section of \iTOP.INI\p
\iSee Also:\p \bwHISTORY\p, \b!SETUP\p
\iPurpose:\p \bIF\p is used only in a batch file. Allows conditional execution
of DOS or \iTOP\p commands.
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bIF\p [NOT] condition command
\iRemarks:\p If condition is true, command is executed. Otherwise the command
is skipped.
condition can be one of the following:
true if the previous program had an exit code of number
or higher
true if string1 and string2 are identical
EXIST [d:][path]filename[.ext]
true if filename is found in the specified directory
(wildcards are accepted)
NOT condition is true if condition is false
command is any DOS, \iTOP\p or BATCH command
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p
[JOIN] 3.1-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Logically connects a drive to a directory on another drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bJOIN\p [d: d:\\directory|/D]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bJOIN\p
d: the drive to be connected to a directory on another drive
d:\\directory the directory the drive will be joined under
/D disconnects a join
No parameters displays the current joined drives and directories
\iSee Also:\p \bASSIGN\p, \bSUBST\p
[KEYB] 3.0-3.2
\iPurpose:\p Loads a non-U.S. keyboard bios
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bKEYB\pxx
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bKEYB\pxx
xx is the keyboard code and can be UK, GR, FR, IT, or SP
\iSee Also:\p \bSELECT\p
[KEYB] 3.3
\iPurpose:\p Loads a non-U.S. keyboard bios
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bKEYB\p [xx[,[yyy],[[d:][path]filename]]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bKEYB\p
xx is the keyboard code and can be BE, CF, DF, FR/120, GR,
IT/142, LA, NL, NO, PO, SF, SG, SP, SU, SV, UK/168, or US
yyy is the code page
[d:][path]filename is the name of the keyboard definition file,
default if unspecified is keyboard.sys
No parameters will display the current keyboard settings
\iSee Also:\p \bNLSFUNC\p, \bSELECT\p
[KEYB] 4.0
\iPurpose:\p Loads a non-U.S. keyboard bios
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bKEYB\p [xx[,[yyy],[[d:][path]filename]]] [/ID:num]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bKEYB\p
xx is the keyboard code and can be BE, CF, DF, FR/120, GR,
IT/142, LA, NL, NO, PO, SF, SG, SP, SU, SV, UK/168, or US
yyy is the code page
[d:][path]filename is the name of the keyboard definition file,
default if unspecified is keyboard.sys
/ID:num sets the keyboard ID number to num
No parameters will display the current keyboard settings
\iSee Also:\p \bNLSFUNC\p, \bSELECT\p
[KEYB] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Loads a non-U.S. keyboard bios
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bKEYB\p [xx[,[yyy],[[d:][path]filename]]]
[/E] [/ID:num]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bKEYB\p
xx is the keyboard code and can be BE, CF, DF, FR/120, GR,
IT/142, LA, NL, NO, PO, SF, SG, SP, SU, SV, UK/168, or US
yyy is the code page
[d:][path]filename is the name of the keyboard definition file,
default if unspecified is keyboard.sys
/ID:num sets the keyboard ID number to num
/E specifies an enhanced keyboard is installed
No parameters will display the current keyboard settings
\iSee Also:\p \bNLSFUNC\p, \bSELECT\p
[LABEL] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Create, change, or delete a volume label
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bLABEL\p [d:][vollabel]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bLABEL\p
[d:] specifies the drive you want to label
vollabel specifies the volume label, up to 11 characters
\iSee Also:\p \bFORMAT\p
\iPurpose:\p Loads a program into upper (high) memory
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bLOADHIGH\p [d:][path]filename [parameters]
\iOr:\p \bLH\p [d:][path]filename [parameters]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename [parameters] specifies the name,
location and parameters of the program to be loaded
Note: If \bLOADHIGH\p fails, program will be loaded into
conventional memory
\iSee Also:\p \bLH\p
[LH] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Loads a program into upper (high) memory
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bLH\p [d:][path]filename [parameters]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename [parameters] specifies the name,
location and parameters of the program to be loaded
Note: If \bLH\p fails, program will be loaded into conventional
\iSee Also:\p \bLOADHIGH\p
[MEM] 4.0
\iPurpose:\p Displays the amount of used and free memory, allocated memory,
and usage of memory by programs
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMEM\p [/PROGRAM|/DEBUG]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMEM\p
/PROGRAM displays programs loaded in memory
/DEBUG displays programs, internal drivers, and other
programming information
\iSee Also:\p \bCHKDSK\p
[MEM] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Displays the amount of used and free memory, allocated memory,
and usage of memory by programs
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMEM\p [/P[ROGRAM]|/D[EBUG]|/C[LASSIFY]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMEM\p
/PROGRAM displays programs loaded in memory
/DEBUG displays programs, internal drivers, and other
programming information
/CLASSIFY displays program status in conventional and upper
\iSee Also:\p \bCHKDSK\p
[MIRROR] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Starts disk information recording for use by \bUNDELETE\p
and \bUNFORMAT\p
\iType:\p DOS External (TSR)
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMIRROR\p [d:[...]] [/1] [/Tdrive[-entries][...]]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMIRROR\p [/U]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMIRROR\p [/PARTN]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMIRROR\p
[d:] specifies the drive to be recorded
/1 retain only the latest information
/T loads a TSR to track up to entries file deletions on drive
for use with \bUNDELETE\p
/U uninstalls \bMIRROR\p
/PARTN saves disk partition information for use with \bUNFORMAT\p
\iSee Also:\p \bUNDELETE\p, \bUNFORMAT\p
[MD] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Create a subdirectory on the specified disk
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bMD\p [d:]path
\iRemarks:\p [d:] specifies the drive to create the subdirectory on
path specifies the directory name
\iSee Also:\p \bCHDIR\p, \bCD\p, \bCDD\p, \bMKDIR\p, \bRMDIR\p, \bRD\p
[MKDIR] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Create a subdirectory on the specified disk
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bMKDIR\p [d:]path
\iOr:\p \bMD\p [d:]path
\iRemarks:\p [d:] specifies the drive to create the subdirectory on
path specifies the directory name
\iSee Also:\p \bCHDIR\p, \bCD\p, \bCDD\p, \bMD\p, \bRMDIR\p, \bRD\p
[MODE] 3.0-3.2
\iPurpose:\p Sets the graphics adapter (video) mode, the communications
adapter mode, or the printer. Each of these three uses of mode
has a different syntax and are discussed seperately below
\iType:\p DOS External
\u Setting the graphics adapter (video) mode \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p m
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p [m],s[,T]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
m is display adapter mode, 40, 80, BW40, BW80, CO40, CO80,
s is shift direction, R or L
T requests a test pattern used to align the display
\iSee Also:\p \bVIDEO\p
\u Setting the communications adapter mode \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p COMn[:] b[,p[,d[,s[,P]]]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
n is COM adapter, 1 or 2
b specifies baud, either 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, or 9600. Only the first two digits are required.
p specifies parity, either N (none), O (odd) or E (even)
d specifies databits, either 7 or 8
s specifies stopbits, either 1 or 2
P indicates asynchronous adapter is used for a serial printer
\u Setting the printer mode \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p LPTm[:][c][,[l][,P]]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p LPTm[:]=COMn[:]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
m is printer number, 1, 2, or 3
c is characters per line, 80 or 132
l is lines per inch, 6 or 8
P specifies continuous retry
n is COM adapter, 1 or 2
[MODE] 3.3
\iPurpose:\p Sets the graphics adapter (video) mode, the communications
adapter mode, sets or displays device code pages, or sets the
printer. Each of these four uses of mode has a different syntax
and are therefore discussed seperately below
\iType:\p DOS External
\u Setting the graphics adapter (video) mode \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p disp
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p [disp],s[,T]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
disp is display adapter mode, either 40, 80, BW40, BW80, CO40,
CO80, or MONO
s specifies a display shift direction, R or L (CGA only)
T requests a test pattern used to align the display
\iSee Also:\p \bVIDEO\p
\u Setting the communications adapter mode \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p COMn[:] b[,p[,d[,s[,P]]]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
n is COM adapter, 1, 2, 3, or 4
b specifies baud, either 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, or 19200. Only the first two digits are required.
19200 will not work on all machines.
p specifies parity, either N (none), O (odd), E (even),
M (mark), or S (space), default is E
d specifies databits, either 5, 6, 7, or 8
s specifies stopbits, either 1, 1.5, or 2
P indicates asynchronous adapter is used for a serial printer
\u Setting or displaying device code pages \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p device CODEPAGE PREPARE=((yyy)[d:][path]filename)
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p device CODEPAGE SELECT=yyy
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p device CODEPAGE REFRESH
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p device CODEPAGE [/STATUS]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
device specifies the device to support code page switching,
either CON, LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3
yyy specifies the code page, either 437, 860, 863, or 865
[d:][path]filename specifies the name of the code page
information file to use
PREPARE prepares a codepage for a given device, which must be
done before it can be used
SELECT specifies which prepared code you want to use
REFRESH reinstates a lost code page
/STATUS or no parameters displays the current codepage status
\u Setting the printer mode \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p LPTm[:][c][,[l][,P]]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p LPTm[:]=COMn[:]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
m is printer number, 1, 2, or 3
c is characters per line, 80 or 132
l is lines per inch, 6 or 8
P specifies continuous retry
n is COM adapter, 1, 2, 3, or 4
[MODE] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Sets the graphics adapter (video) mode, the communications
adapter mode, sets or displays device code pages, sets the
keyboard typematic rate, sets the printer mode, or displays
installed device status. Each of these six uses of mode has a
different syntax and are therefore discussed seperately below
\iType:\p DOS External
\u Setting the graphics adapter (video) mode \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p disp,n
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p [disp],s[,T]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p con [:][COLS=m][LINES=n]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
disp is display adapter mode, either 40, 80, BW40, BW80, CO40,
CO80, or MONO
m specifies the number of characters per line, either 40 or 80
n is the number of display lines, either 25, 43, or 50
(greater than 25 requires ANSI.SYS and appropriate adapter)
s specifies a display shift direction, R or L (CGA only)
T requests a test pattern used to align the display
\iSee Also:\p \bVIDEO\p
\u Setting the communications adapter mode \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p COMn[:] b[,p[,d[,s[,r]]]]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p COMn BAUD=b [DATA=d] [STOP=s] [PARITY=p]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
n is COM adapter, 1, 2, 3, or 4
b specifies baud, either 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, or 19200. Only the first two digits are required.
19200 will not work on all machines.
p specifies parity, either N (none), O (odd), E (even),
M (mark), or S (space), default is E
d specifies databits, either 5, 6, 7, or 8
s specifies stopbits, either 1, 1.5, or 2
r specifies retry action after status check, either E (returns
error), B (returns busy), R (returns ready), or NONE (no
\u Setting or displaying device code pages \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p device CODEPAGE PREPARE=((yyy)[d:][path]filename)
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p device CODEPAGE SELECT=yyy
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p device CODEPAGE REFRESH
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p device CODEPAGE [/STATUS]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
device specifies the device to support code page switching,
either CON, LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3
yyy specifies the code page, either 437, 850, 860, 863, or 865
[d:][path]filename specifies the name of the code page
information file to use
PREPARE prepares a codepage for a given device, which must be
done before it can be used
SELECT specifies which prepared code you want to use
REFRESH reinstates a lost code page
/STATUS or no parameters displays the current codepage status
Note: Allowable abbreviations are CODEPAGE->CP, STATUS->STA,
\u Setting the keyboard typematic rate \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p con [:] RATE=r DELAY=d
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
r is the typematic interval time, 1-32
d is the auto-repeat delay, 1-4 (0.25 to 1 seconds)
\u Setting the printer mode \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p LPTm[:][c][,[l][,r]]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p LPTm [COLS=c] [LINES=l] [RETRY=r]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p LPTm[:]=COMn[:]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
m is printer number, 1, 2, or 3
c is characters per line, 80 or 132
l is lines per inch, 6 or 8
r specifies retry action after status check, either E (returns
error), B (returns busy), R (returns ready), or NONE (no
n is COM adapter, 1, 2, 3, or 4
\u Displaying installed device status \p
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bMODE\p [device] [/STA[TUS]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bMODE\p
device specified the device status is requested for, otherwise
the status of all devices are displayed
/STA[TUS] is required only when requesting status for redirected
parallel printers
\iPurpose:\p Reads data from standard in, then outputs one page at a time to
standard out
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bMORE\p
\iRemarks:\p Supports all \iTOP\p extended screen modes
\iSee Also:\p \bSORT\p
\iPurpose:\p Move or rename files, directories, or entire directory branches
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bMOVE\p [d:][path][filename] [d:][path][filename]
[/!] [/Q] [/V] [/H] [/NOCONF]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]] specifies the source drive, path, or
files to move (specify at least one). If only a path is
specified, move entire directory, otherwise move all files.
Enhanced wildcards are allowed
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] specifies the destination drive,
path, or file to move to. If source and destination are both
files or directories, the files or directories are renamed
If wildcards are in the source, the destination must be a path
If source and destination are not on the same disk, the files
are copied to the destination disk, and the source is removed
If destination file exists, a confirm is requested to delete it
If destination path does not exist, a confirm is requested to
create it
/! moves all BUT the specified files
/Q runs quietly, only summary is echoed to the display
/V causes additional file verification prior to source delete
/H include hidden files in move
/NOCONF allows MOVE to overwrite existing destinations without
confirmation, \u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
\iSee Also:\p \bCOPY\p, \bDEL\p, \bREN\p, \bXCOPY\p, \bXDEL\p, \b_*WILD*\p
\iPurpose:\p Dials the National Institute of Standards and Technology's
(NIST) Automated Computer Time Service (ACTS), retrieves the
time and date, and sets the PC's clock
\iType:\p \iTOP\p External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bNISTIME\p [/D [count]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bNISTIME\p
/D causes \bNISTIME\p to retrieve and set the time count times and
measure your computer clock drift. If count is not specified,
\bNISTIME\p will retrieve the time as many times as possible. In
either case, ACTS will disconnect after 28 to 56 seconds.
\bNISTIME\p must be located in the same directory as \iTOP.INI\p
\bNISTIME\p com port, assumed time zone, etc. are set by modifying
the \i[Nistime]\p section of \iTOP.INI\p
\iSee Also:\p \bDATE\p, \b!SETUP\p, \bTIME\p
[NLSFUNC] 3.3-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Loads country specific information for DISPLAY.SYS and
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bNLSFUNC\p [[d:][path]filename]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bNLSFUNC\p
[d:][path]filename is a file containing country specific
\iSee Also:\p \bKEYB\p, \bSELECT\p
[PATH] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Sets the search path for commands not found by a search of the
current directory
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bPATH\p [[d:]path[[;[d:]path]]]
\iOr:\p \bPATH\p ;
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies a list of drives and directories to be
searched, separated by semicolons
; only resets the path to nothing
No parameters displays the current \bPATH\p
\iPurpose:\p Suspends system processing and displays the message "Press any
key to continue . . .". Useful mostly in batch files.
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bPAUSE\p [remark]
\iRemarks:\p remark will also be displayed if included
A mouse click will also resume processing (requires Microsoft
mouse driver version 6.0 or greater or equivalent)
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p, \bCONFIRM\p
\iPurpose:\p Pop (recall) the last drive and directory pushed with PUSHD
and use it as the current drive and directory
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bPOPD\p
\iSee Also:\p \bCD\p, \bCDD\p, \bDIRS\p, \bPUSHD\p
[PRINT] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Prints a queue of data files on the printer while you are doing
other tasks
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bPRINT\p [/D:device] [/B:buffsize] [/U:busytick]
[/M:maxtick] [/S:timeslice] [/Q:quesize] [/C] [/T] [/P]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bPRINT\p
/D:device specifies print device (PRN assumed), must be the
first parameter if specified
/B:buffsize sets the internal buffer size, default is 512
/U:busytick sets the number of clock ticks PRINT will wait
until the print device is available, default is 1
/M:maxtick sets maximum clock ticks to print characters, default
is 2, must be from 1 to 255
/S:timeslice sets the time slice value, default is 8, must be
from 1 to 255
/Q specifies the maximum number of file allowed in the print que
/T sets terminate mode (cancels queues)
/C sets cancel mode until /P
/P sets print mode
\iPurpose:\p Sets a new command prompt, stored in the environment variable
called \iTOP\pPROMPT
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bPROMPT\p [prompt-string]
\iRemarks:\p prompt-string is a string of text and/or $c..$c, where c can be:
$, the $ character _, a CR-LF sequence b, the | character
d, the date e, ESC\i*\p character g, the > character
h, a backspace l, the < character m, the meridian(am/pm)
n, the drive letter p, the current dir q, the = character
s, free disk space t, 24 hr. time T, 12 hr. time
v, version number
All strings have case sense, i.e. use of capital letter causes
capitalized output
No parameters resets \bPROMPT\p to default of $n$g
\i*\pUse $e for ANSI escape sequences
\iSee Also:\p \b_ANSI\p
\iPurpose:\p Push (save) the current drive and directory into a directory
stack and optionally change the current drive and directory
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bPUSHD\p [d:][path]
\iRemarks:\p [d:] specifies drive to change to
[path] specifies desired directory path to change to
No parameters will just push the current directory
\iSee Also:\p \bCD\p, \bCDD\p, \bDIRS\p, \bPOPD\p
[QBASIC] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Starts the DOS QBasic language program
\bType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bQBASIC\p [/B] [/EDITOR] [/G] [/H] [/MBF]
[/NOHI] [[/RUN][d:][path]filename]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bQBASIC\p
/B Specifies black and white operation
/EDITOR invokes the DOS editor \bEDIT\p
/G provides the fastest update of CGA monitors
/H displays the maximum number of lines on your monitor
/MBF converts built-in functions MKS$, MKD$, CVS, and CVD to
MKSMBF$, MKDMBF$, CVSMBF, and CVDMBF, respectively
/NOHI enables use of 8 color monitors (default is 16 colors)
/RUN runs the specified basic program
[RD] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Remove an empty subdirectory from the disk
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bRD\p [d:]path
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies the directory to be removed
The directory must be empty to use \bRD\p
\iSee Also:\p \bCHDIR\p, \bCD\p, \bCDD\p, \bMKDIR\p, \bMD\p, \bRMDIR\p, \bXDEL\p
[RECOVER] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Recover files from a disk with a defective sector
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bRECOVER\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bRECOVER\p d:
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bRECOVER\p
[d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to recover
Use the second format to recover all files
Note: \bRECOVER\p will not work on a network disk
\iPurpose:\p Force or inhibit screen text restoration after command
completion even if the video mode was not changed
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bREFRESH\p [FORCE|CANCEL]
\iRemarks:\p Typically used in a compound command or alias. For example:
alias ed myeditor %1 ^ refresh force
FORCE causes screen text to be restored even if video mode has
not changed
CANCEL prevents screen restore even if video mode has changed
No parameters will echo the state of RestoreScreen
Note: will only be honored if RestoreScreen=yes in \iTOP.INI\p
\iSee Also:\p \bALIAS\p, \bVIDEO\p
[REM] 3.0-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Allows remarks or comments within a batch file.
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bREM\p [remark]
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p
[REM] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Allows remarks or comments within a batch file or config.sys
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bREM\p [remark]
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p
[REN] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Changes the name of a file
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bREN\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] filename[.ext]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to rename
filename[.ext] specifies the new name
Note: New name cannot have a path specification!
\iSee Also:\p \bCOPY\p, \bMOVE\p, \bRENAME\p
[RENAME] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Changes the name of a file
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bRENAME\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] filename[.ext]
\iOr:\p \bREN\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] filename[.ext]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to rename
filename[.ext] specifies the new name
Note: New name cannot have a path specification!
\iSee Also:\p \bCOPY\p, \bMOVE\p, \bREN\p
[REPLACE] 3.2-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Selectively replace files on the target with files from the
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bREPLACE\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
[d:][path] [/A] [/P] [/R] [/S] [/W]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bREPLACE\p
[d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the files to replace
[d:][path] specifies the target drive and directory
/A add files that do not exist on the target (cannot be used
with /S)
/P prompt as each file is encountered on target
/R replace read only files on target
/S search all directories on the target for files matching the
source (cannot be used with /A)
/W wait for you to insert a disk before searching for source
\iSee Also:\p \bCOPY\p, \bMOVE\p, \bXCOPY\p
[REPLACE] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Selectively replace files on the target with files from the
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bREPLACE\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
[d:][path] [/A] [/P] [/R] [/S] [/U] [/W]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bREPLACE\p
[d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the files to replace
[d:][path] specifies the target drive and directory
/A add files that do not exist on the target (cannot be used
with /S or /U)
/P prompt as each file is encountered on target
/R replace read only files on target
/S search all directories on the target for files matching the
source (cannot be used with /A)
/U replace only target files that are older than the source
(cannot be used with /A)
/W wait for you to insert a disk before searching for source
\iSee Also:\p \bCOPY\p, \bMOVE\p, \bXCOPY\p
[RESTORE] 3.0-3.2
\iPurpose:\p Restores one or more files from a backup disk
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bRESTORE\p d: [d:][path]filename[.ext] [/S] [/P]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bRESTORE\p
d: specifies the drive that contains the \bBACKUP\p source
[d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies where you want to restore
to and the files to restore
/S restore files in subdirectories as well
/P prompt before restoring files that have changed since last
\iSee Also:\p \bBACKUP\p
[RESTORE] 3.3-4.0
\iPurpose:\p Restores one or more files from a backup disk
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bRESTORE\p d: [d:][path]filename[.ext] [/S] [/P]
[/B:date] [/A:date] [/E:time] [/L:time] [/M] [/N]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bRESTORE\p
d: specifies the drive that contains the \bBACKUP\p source
[d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies where you want to restore
to and the files to restore
/S restore files in subdirectories as well
/P prompt before restoring files that have changed since last
backup or are read only
/B:date restore only files modified on or before date
/A:date restore only files modified on or after date
/E:time restore only files modified at or earlier than time
/L:time restore only files modified at or later than time
/M restore only files modified since the last backup
/N restore only files which no longer exist on the target
\iSee Also:\p \bBACKUP\p
\iPurpose:\p Restores one or more files from a backup disk
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bRESTORE\p d: [d:][path]filename[.ext] [/S] [/P]
[/B:date] [/A:date] [/E:time] [/L:time] [/M] [/N] [/D]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bRESTORE\p
d: specifies the drive that contains the \bBACKUP\p source
[d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies where you want to restore
to and the files to restore
/S restore files in subdirectories as well
/P prompt before restoring files that have changed since last
backup or are read only
/B:date restore only files modified on or before date
/A:date restore only files modified on or after date
/E:time restore only files modified at or earlier than time
/L:time restore only files modified at or later than time
/M restore only files modified since the last backup
/N restore only files which no longer exist on the target
/D display list of matching files without restoring
\iSee Also:\p \bBACKUP\p
[RMDIR] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Remove an empty subdirectory from the disk
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bRMDIR\p [d:]path
\iOr:\p \bRD\p [d:]path
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies the directory to be removed
The directory must be empty to use RMDIR
\iSee Also:\p \bCHDIR\p, \bCD\p, \bMKDIR\p, \bMD\p, \bRD\p, \bXDEL\p
[SELECT] 3.0-3.1
\iPurpose:\p Installs DOS on a new disk with the keyboard layout, date and
time format you select
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bSELECT\p xxx yy
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bSELECT\p
xxx is the country code, U.S. is 001
yy is the keyboard code
\iSee Also:\p \bKEYB\p, \bSYS\p
[SELECT] 3.2-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Installs DOS on a new disk with the keyboard layout, date and
time format you select
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bSELECT\p [[A:|B:] d:[path]] xxx yy
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bSELECT\p
A:|B: specify the source drive. Only A or B are valid.
d:[path] specifies the target drive and path
xxx is the country code, U.S. is 001
yy is the keyboard code
\iSee Also:\p \bKEYB\p, \bSYS\p
[SELECT] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Installs DOS on a new disk and creates an autoexec.bat and
config.sys file with the configuration information you select
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p Boot from the INSTALL disk
\iRemarks:\p Everything is prompted from menus
\iSee Also:\p \bSYS\p
\iPurpose:\p Inserts strings into the command processor's environment
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bSET\p [name=[parameter]]
\iRemarks:\p name is name of environment string
parameter is environment string to be inserted
No name specified, current set of strings is displayed
If name= but no parameter specified, name is deleted
[SETVER] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Set the DOS version reported to specified programs
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bSETVER\p [d:path] [filename n.nn|/D[ELETE] [/QUIET]]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bSETVER\p
[d:path]specifies the location of the SETVER.EXE file.
Specifying only this parameter lists the current version table
filename specifies a file to be added to the version table
n.nn specifies the reported DOS version
/DELETE deletes the specified version table entry
/QUIET disables the message associated with /DELETE
[SHARE] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Loads support for file sharing and diskette change protection
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bSHARE\p [/F:filespace] [/L:locks]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bSHARE\p
/F:filespace allocates share recording information file space
(requires filename + 11 bytes for each file), default
is 2048 bytes
/L:locks allocates space for desired locks, default is 20
\iPurpose:\p Allows batch file command lines to make use of more than 10 (%0
through %9) replaceable parameters
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bSHIFT\p
\iRemarks:\p All parameters on the command line are shifted one position to
the left, with the %0 parameter being replaced by the %1
parameter, etc. Subsequent \bSHIFT\ps cause further parameter
shifting to the left.
\iSee Also:\p \b_BATCH\p
[SORT] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Reads data from standard in, sorts it, then writes the data to
standard out
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bSORT\p [/R] [/+n]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bSORT\p
/R causes sort in reverse order
/+n start sorting with column n, default is 1
Note: Maximum file size is 63K
\iSee Also:\p \bMORE\p
[SUBST] 3.1-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Allows use of a different drive specifier to refer to another
drive or path
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bSUBST\p [d: d:path|/D]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bSUBST\p
d: specifies the drive letter you want to refer to another drive
or path
d:path specifies the drive or path you want to refer to
/D deletes a substitution
No parameters displays the current substitutions
\iSee Also:\p \bASSIGN\b, \bJOIN\p
[SYS] 3.0-4.0
\iPurpose:\p Transfers the operating system files to the specified drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bSYS\p d:
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bSYS\p
d: specifies the drive to transfer the operating system files to
\iSee Also:\p \bFORMAT\p, \bSELECT\p
[SYS] 5.0
\iPurpose:\p Transfers the operating system files to the specified drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bSYS\p [d:][path] d:
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bSYS\p
[d:][path] specifies the location of the system files
d: specifies the drive to transfer the operating system files to
\iSee Also:\p \bFORMAT\p, \bSELECT\p
[TIME] 3.0-3.2
\iPurpose:\p Sets or displays the current time known to DOS
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bTIME\p [hh:mm[:ss[.xx]]]
\iRemarks:\p hh specifies hour, 0-23
mm specifies minute, 0-59
ss specifies second, 0-59
xx specifies hundredths of seconds, 0-99
No parameters displays the current time
\iSee Also:\p \bDATE\p, \bNISTIME\p
[TIME] 3.3
\iPurpose:\p Sets or displays the current time known to DOS, and updates
the CMOS memory to reflect the change
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bTIME\p [hh:mm[:ss[.xx]]]
\iRemarks:\p hh specifies hour, 0-23
mm specifies minute, 0-59
ss specifies second, 0-59
xx specifies hundredths of seconds, 0-99
No parameters displays the current time
\iSee Also:\p \bDATE\p, \bNISTIME\p
[TIME] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Sets or displays the current time known to DOS, and updates
the CMOS memory to reflect the change
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bTIME\p [hh:mm[:ss[.xx]]][A|P]
\iRemarks:\p hh specifies hour, 0-23
mm specifies minute, 0-59
ss specifies second, 0-59
xx specifies hundredths of seconds, 0-99
A|P specifies am or pm. If used, hh must be 1-12
No parameters displays the current time
\iSee Also:\p \bDATE\p, \bNISTIME\p
\iPurpose:\p Displays \iTOP\p's usage of swapable memory
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bTOPMEM\p
\iPurpose:\p Starts \iTOP\p's setup tool
\iType:\p \iTOP\p External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bTOPSET\p
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bTOPSET\p
\bTOPSET\p must be located in the same directory as \iTOP.INI\p
Note: \iTOP\p must be exited and restarted for changes made with
\bTOPSET\p to take effect.
\iSee Also:\p \b!SETUP\p
[TREE] 3.0
\iPurpose:\p Displays all of the directory paths in the specified drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bTREE\p [d:]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bTREE\p
[d:] specifies the drive to list the tree of
\iSee Also:\p \bDIR\p, \bXDIR\p
[TREE] 3.1-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Displays all of the directory paths in the specified drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bTREE\p [d:] [/F]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bTREE\p
[d:] specifies the drive to list the tree of
/F also displays the files in the directories
\iSee Also:\p \bDIR\p, \bXDIR\p
[TREE] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Displays all of the directory paths in the specified drive
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bTREE\p [d:] [/F] [/A]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bTREE\p
[d:] specifies the drive to list the tree of
/F also displays the files in the directories
/A use graphic characters available on all code pages
\iSee Also:\p \bDIR\p, \bXDIR\p
[TYPE] 3.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Displays the contents of the specified file to standard out
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bTYPE\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to be typed
\iSee Also:\p \bVIEW\p
\iPurpose:\p Instructs \iTOP\p to remove an alias
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bUNALIAS\p aliasname
\iRemarks:\p aliasname specifies the name of the alias to be removed
\iSee Also:\p \bALIAS\p, \bFKEY\p, \bUNFKEY\p
\iPurpose:\p Restores a previously deleted file
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bUNDELETE\p [[d:][path]filename] [/LIST|/ALL]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bUNDELETE\p
[d:][path]filename specifies the file to be recovered. If not
specified, \bUNDELETE\p will recover all files in the current
/LIST lists deleted files available for recovery
/ALL recovers deleted files without prompting for confirmation
/DOS recovers only files internally listed as deleted by DOS
/DT recover only files tracked by the \bMIRROR\p program
\iSee Also:\p \bDEL\p, \bMIRROR\p
\iPurpose:\p Instructs \iTOP\p to remove a keystroke function
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bUNFKEY\p key
\iRemarks:\p key specifies the name of the keystroke function to be removed
\iSee Also:\p \bALIAS\p, \bFKEY\p, \bUNALIAS\p
\iPurpose:\p Restores a disk erased by the \bFORMAT\p command
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bUNFORMAT\p d: [/J]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bUNFORMAT\p d: [/U] [/L] [/TEST] [/P]
\iOr:\p [d:][path]\bUNFORMAT\p [/PARTN] [/L]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains \bUNFORMAT\p
d: specifies the drive to be rebuilt
/J verifies the file created by \bMIRROR\p without rebuilding
/U unformats without using the \bMIRROR\p information
/L list every file found (default is to list only directories)
/TEST a dry run rebuild, without actually rebuilding
/P send output messages to a printer connected to LPT1
/PARTN restore a corrupted partition table
\iSee Also:\p \bFORMAT\p, \bMIRROR\p
\iPurpose:\p Displays the current DOS and \iTOP\p version
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bVER\p
\iPurpose:\p Enable or display disk write data verification state
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bVERIFY\p [ON|OFF]
\iRemarks:\p ON|OFF sets verify on or off
No parameters displays current verify state
\iPurpose:\p Temporarily changes the display adapter video mode during
command execution, or displays the current video mode
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bVIDEO\p [mode] [/B|/I]
\iRemarks:\p Typically used in a compound command or alias. For example:
alias ed video EGA43 /I ^ myeditor %1
mode specifies the display adapter mode to set to and can be:
BW40, BW80, CO40, CO80, MONO, EGA43, VGA50 or a mode number
Note: mode number is decimal (base 10), not hex!
/B forces high numbered background colors to blink
/I forces high numbered background colors to be intense
No parameters will display the current mode
Note: Some video adapters may crash if an attempt is made to
switch to an unsupported mode. Consult your video adapter's
owners manual if you are unsure about a supported mode.
Also see the file 'README.VGA' included with your \iTOP\p release
\iSee Also:\p \bALIAS\p, \bMODE\p
\iPurpose:\p Displays the contents of the specified file and allows scrolling
within the file
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bVIEW\p [d:][path]filename[.ext]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the file to be viewed
Note: Any program's console output can be piped into the \bVIEW\p
window. For example 'dir | view' will place a directory
listing into the \bVIEW\p window where it can be scrolled, etc.
\iSee Also:\p \bTYPE\p, \bwVIEW\p
[VOL] 3.0-3.3
\iPurpose:\p Displays the disk volume label of the specified drive
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bVOL\p [d:]
\iSee Also:\p \bFORMAT\p, \bLABEL\p
[VOL] 4.0-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Displays the disk volume label and serial number of the
specified drive
\iType:\p DOS Internal
\iFormat:\p \bVOL\p [d:]
\iSee Also:\p \bFORMAT\p, \bLABEL\p
[XCOPY] 3.2-5.0
\iPurpose:\p Selectively copy groups of files, including subdirectories
\iType:\p DOS External
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]\bXCOPY\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]]
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] [/A|/M] [/D:mm-dd-yy] [/P] [/S[/E]]
[/V] [/W]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains XCOPY
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] specifies the source drive, or source
path, or source files (at least one must be specified)
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] specifies the target drive, path,
and filename
/A copies only files with the archive bit set
/D:mm-dd-yy copies only files after the specified date
/E creates subdirectories on the target even if they are empty
/M copies only files with the archive bit set and clears the
archive bit of the source
/P prompts before copying each file
/S copies subdirectories
/V verify sectors written are recorded properly
/W wait for you to insert source diskettes
\iSee Also:\p \bBACKUP\p, \bCOPY\p, \bXDIR\p
\iPurpose:\p Delete the specified file in the specified path and all subpaths
or delete the specified directory and all files and subdirect-
ories in it. File space deleted is summarized
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bXDEL\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]]
[/!] [/Q] [/R] [/H] [/Y] [/NOCONF] [/P] [/V]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path][filename[.ext]] specifies the drive, or path, or
files (at least one must be specified) to be deleted in the
specified path and all subpaths. If only a path is specified,
the entire branch is deleted; if a file is specified, all
occurrences of the file are deleted in the entire branch.
Multiple path/file arguments and enhanced wilcards are allowed
/! causes deletion of all BUT the specified files
/Q runs quietly, no summary is echoed to the display
/R allows read-only files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/H allows hidden files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/Y allows system files to be deleted,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/NOCONF will proceed without confirmation,\u !!USE WITH CARE!! \p
/P prompts you before each deletion occurs (/P will override
/Q or /NOCONF)
/V verbose: causes display of each filename deleted
Note: Typing "XDEL ." will delete all files and subdirectories
in the current directory, but leave the current directory
itself intact
\iSee Also:\p \bDEL\p, \bERASE\p, \bMOVE\p, \b_*WILD*\p
\iPurpose:\p List (or find) all or specified directories or files in the
specified path and all subpaths, and report diskspace used.
By default, \bXDIR\p displays all but hidden files and
directories (see /H below).
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p \bXDIR\p [d:][path][filespec[.ext]]
[/!] [/H] [/P] [/Q] [/V]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path][filespec[.ext]] specifies the drive, or path, or
files to be listed. If only a path is specified, list only
directories, otherwise list all matching files. If path is
the root directory (\\), matching files or directories from
the entire drive will be displayed. Multiple path/filename
arguments and enhanced wildcards are allowed
Note: \bXDIR\p automatically replaces certain file specifications
as follows:
.X is automatically replaced by *.X
X is automatically replaced by X.* if no matching
directory is found
X. is NOT replaced (it matches files with no extension)
where X is any group of characters, including wildcards
/! displays all BUT the specified files
/H also displays hidden files
/P will pause the screen display when full
/Q runs quietly, only summary is echoed to the display
/V verbose: causes summary of directory space and/or file usage
No path or filespec displays all files in current branch
\iSee Also:\p \bDIR\p, \b_*WILD*\p
Wildcards are used to specify a group of related files so you don't
have to use the same command repeatedly for each filename in the group.
Wildcards are special characters which act as a substitute for other
characters in a filename or extension. There are two such characters:
\7 The \i*\p character represents any number of characters, in-
cluding NO characters, one character, two characters, etc.
\7 The \i?\p character represents exactly ONE character
However, DOS only recognizes one \i*\p in the filename, and one in the
extension. Any characters typed after the \i*\p are ignored. This can
lead to unexpected results.
Luckily, \iTOP\p functions now accept 'enhanced' wildcards. Enhanced wildcards
are considerably more flexible than DOS wildcards and do not have the
limitations described above. For example:
\bDIR\p \i*\pr\i*\p.\i*\p
Will list all files containing an 'r' anywhere in the name in the current
directory. In contrast, given the example above, DOS would ignore the
filename characters after the first \i*\p and therefore list ALL files.
More examples:
\bDEL\p \i*\p.txt
would delete all files ending in '.txt' in the current directory.
\bATTRIB\p my\i*\p.\i*\p -R
would clear the READ attribute from all files starting with 'my' in the
current directory.
\bDIR\p \i*\p.\i*\pq\i*\p
would list all files with a 'q' in the extension (DOS would just list
ALL files).
\bDEL\p \i*\pmy\i*\p.\i??\p
would delete all files with 'my' anywhere in the filename and which had
exactly two characters in the extension (DOS would delete ALL files with
exactly two characters in the extension)
\u *** ANSI.SYS Escape Sequences *** \p
Parameters: α=numeric, ß=subfunction selective, σ=line #, τ=column #
Γ=keyboard key code, π=string (either ascii code or in "")
ESC[σ;τH Change cursor position to σ, τ ┌──┬─────────╥──┬─────────┐
ESC[σ;τF Change cursor position to σ, τ │ 0│ All Off ║ 5│ Blink │
ESC[αA Cursor up by α lines │ 1│ Bright ║ 7│ Reverse │
ESC[αB Cursor down by α lines │ 4│ Underln ║ 8│ Conceal │
ESC[αC Cursor forward by α lines ╔═╪══╧═════════╬══╧═════════╡
ESC[αD Cursor backward by α lines ║ │ Foreground ║ Background │
ESC[6n Output device status report ║ ├──┬─────────╫──┬─────────┤
ESC[σ;τR Report cursor position σ, τ ║ │30│ Black ║40│ Black │
ESC[s Save cursor position ║ │31│ Red ║41│ Red │
ESC[u Restore cursor position ║ │32│ Green ║42│ Green │
ESC[2J Erase display ║ │33│ Yellow ║43│ Yellow │
ESC[K Erase to end of line ║ │34│ Blue ║44│ Blue │
ESC[ß;...;ßm Set graphics rendition to ß:═╝ │35│ Magenta ║45│ Magenta │
ESC[=ßh Set mode to ß: 0-7, or 14-19 │36│ Cyan ║46│ Cyan │
ESC[=ßl Reset mode to ß: 0-7, or 14-19 │37│ White ║47│ White │
ESC[Γ;π;...;πp Redefine key Γ to π...π └──┴─────────╨──┴─────────┘
\iSee Also:\p \bPROMPT\p
\u *** ASCII TABLE (Accessed with <ALT###>) *** \p
\i▒▒▒▒\p colored items are control characters which can't be displayed
0 │\iNULL\p║16 │ ║32 │SPC ║48 │ 0 ║64 │ @ ║80 │ P ║96 │ ` ║112│ p
1 │ ║17 │ ║33 │ ! ║49 │ 1 ║65 │ A ║81 │ Q ║97 │ a ║113│ q
2 │ ║18 │ ║34 │ " ║50 │ 2 ║66 │ B ║82 │ R ║98 │ b ║114│ r
3 │ ║19 │ ║35 │ # ║51 │ 3 ║67 │ C ║83 │ S ║99 │ c ║115│ s
4 │ ║20 │ ║36 │ $ ║52 │ 4 ║68 │ D ║84 │ T ║100│ d ║116│ t
5 │ ║21 │ ║37 │ % ║53 │ 5 ║69 │ E ║85 │ U ║101│ e ║117│ u
6 │ ║22 │ ║38 │ & ║54 │ 6 ║70 │ F ║86 │ V ║102│ f ║118│ v
7 │ \7 ║23 │ ║39 │ ' ║55 │ 7 ║71 │ G ║87 │ W ║103│ g ║119│ w
8 │ \8 ║24 │ ║40 │ ( ║56 │ 8 ║72 │ H ║88 │ X ║104│ h ║120│ x
9 │\iTAB\p ║25 │ ║41 │ ) ║57 │ 9 ║73 │ I ║89 │ Y ║105│ i ║121│ y
10 │ \iLF\p ║26 │ \i^Z\p ║42 │ * ║58 │ : ║74 │ J ║90 │ Z ║106│ j ║122│ z
11 │ ║27 │\iESC\p ║43 │ + ║59 │ ; ║75 │ K ║91 │ [ ║107│ k ║123│ {
12 │ ║28 │ ║44 │ , ║60 │ < ║76 │ L ║92 │ \\ ║108│ l ║124│ |
13 │ \iCR\p ║29 │ ║45 │ - ║61 │ = ║77 │ M ║93 │ ] ║109│ m ║125│ }
14 │ ║30 │ ║46 │ . ║62 │ > ║78 │ N ║94 │ ^ ║110│ n ║126│ ~
15 │ ║31 │ ║47 │ / ║63 │ ? ║79 │ O ║95 │ _ ║111│ o ║127│
128│ Ç ║144│ É ║160│ á ║176│ ░ ║192│ └ ║208│ ╨ ║224│ α ║240│ ≡
129│ ü ║145│ æ ║161│ í ║177│ ▒ ║193│ ┴ ║209│ ╤ ║225│ ß ║241│ ±
130│ é ║146│ Æ ║162│ ó ║178│ ▓ ║194│ ┬ ║210│ ╥ ║226│ Γ ║242│ ≥
131│ â ║147│ ô ║163│ ú ║179│ │ ║195│ ├ ║211│ ╙ ║227│ π ║243│ ≤
132│ ä ║148│ ö ║164│ ñ ║180│ ┤ ║196│ ─ ║212│ ╘ ║228│ Σ ║244│ ⌠
133│ à ║149│ ò ║165│ Ñ ║181│ ╡ ║197│ ┼ ║213│ ╒ ║229│ σ ║245│ ⌡
134│ å ║150│ û ║166│ ª ║182│ ╢ ║198│ ╞ ║214│ ╓ ║230│ µ ║246│ ÷
135│ ç ║151│ ù ║167│ º ║183│ ╖ ║199│ ╟ ║215│ ╫ ║231│ τ ║247│ ≈
136│ ê ║152│ ÿ ║168│ ¿ ║184│ ╕ ║200│ ╚ ║216│ ╪ ║232│ Φ ║248│ °
137│ ë ║153│ Ö ║169│ ⌐ ║185│ ╣ ║201│ ╔ ║217│ ┘ ║233│ Θ ║249│ ∙
138│ è ║154│ æ ║170│ ¬ ║186│ ║ ║202│ ╩ ║218│ ┌ ║234│ Ω ║250│ ·
139│ ï ║155│ ¢ ║171│ ½ ║187│ ╗ ║203│ ╦ ║219│ █ ║235│ δ ║251│ √
140│ î ║156│ £ ║172│ ¼ ║188│ ╝ ║204│ ╠ ║220│ ▄ ║236│ ∞ ║252│ ⁿ
141│ ì ║157│ ¥ ║173│ ¡ ║189│ ╜ ║205│ ═ ║221│ ▌ ║237│ φ ║253│ ²
142│ Ä ║158│ ₧ ║174│ « ║190│ ╛ ║206│ ╬ ║222│ ▐ ║238│ ε ║254│ ■
143│ Å ║159│ ƒ ║175│ » ║191│ ┐ ║207│ ╧ ║223│ ▀ ║239│ ∩ ║255│
\iPurpose:\p Batch commands are collections of DOS or \iTOP\p commands contained
in a special file called a "batch" file. Batch files are
executed by typing the batch file name at the command prompt.
In addition to any DOS or \iTOP\p command, a batch file may contain
any of the special batch commands listed below in the See Also
\iType:\p \iTOP\p Internal
\iFormat:\p [d:][path]filename[.BAT] [params]
\iRemarks:\p [d:][path] specifies drive and path that contains the batch file
filename is a valid batch file containing one or more DOS or \iTOP\p
commands and ending with the .BAT extension. filename cannot
be the name of an internal DOS or \iTOP\p command
.BAT is not required for invocation
params are optional command line parameters supplied by the user
at execution time. Within a batch file, "dummy" parameters can
be included which will be replaced by the user's command line
values when the batch file is executed. The dummy parameters
are %0, %1, ..., %9. %0 is always replaced by the name of the
batch file, %1 by the first command line value, etc. A special
parameter, %*, can be used to represent ALL command line
Note: to help debug batch files use \bALIAS\p +. See \bALIAS\p
\iSee Also:\p \bALIAS\p, \bCALL\p, \bECHO\p, \bFKEY\p, \bFOR\p, \bGOTO\p, \bIF\p, \bPAUSE\p, \bREM\p, \bSHIFT\p
│ Foreground ║ Foreground or ║ Blinking │
│ or Background ║ Intense Background ║ Background │
│0│ Black ║ 8│ Gray ║ 8│ Blinking Black │
│1│ Blue ║ 9│ BrightBlue ║ 9│ Blinking Blue │
│2│ Green ║10│ BrightGreen ║10│ Blinking Green │
│3│ Cyan ║11│ BrightCyan ║11│ Blinking Cyan │
│4│ Red ║12│ BrightRed ║12│ Blinking Red │
│5│ Magenta ║13│ BrightMagenta ║13│ Blinking Magenta │
│6│ Brown ║14│ Yellow ║14│ Blinking Brown │
│7│ White ║15│ BrightWhite ║15│ Blinking White │
[_CONFIG] 3.0-3.1
\u *** CONFIG.SYS Commands *** \p
BUFFERS=x Set number of buffers to x
COUNTRY=xxx Set country code=xxx
DEVICE=[d:][path]filename[.ext] Install a device driver
FCBS=m,n Set number of concurrent open control
blocks files to m, and number of open
FCBs DOS can't close to n
FILES=x Set # of concurrent open files to x
LASTDRIVE=x Set max accessible drive letter to x
SHELL=[d:][path]filename[.ext] Load a primary command processor (see
help for \bCOMMAND\p if \bCOMMAND\p is loaded
[_CONFIG] 3.2
\u *** CONFIG.SYS Commands *** \p
BUFFERS=x Set number of buffers to x
COUNTRY=xxx Set country code=xxx
DEVICE=[d:][path]filename[.ext] Install a device driver
FCBS=m,n Set number of concurrent open control
blocks files to m, and number of open
FCBs DOS can't close to n
FILES=x Set # of concurrent open files to x
LASTDRIVE=x Set max accessible drive letter to x
SHELL=[d:][path]filename[.ext] Load a primary command processor with
[parm1] [parm2] parameters (see help for \bCOMMAND\p )
[_CONFIG] 3.3
\u *** CONFIG.SYS Commands *** \p
BUFFERS=x Set number of buffers to x
COUNTRY=xxx[,yyy] Set country code=xxx, code page=yyy,
[,[d:][path]filename] or read from file
DEVICE=[d:][path]filename[.ext] Install a device driver
FCBS=m,n Set number of concurrent open control
blocks files to m, and number of open
FCBs DOS can't close to n
FILES=x Set # of concurrent open files to x
LASTDRIVE=x Set max accessible drive letter to x
SHELL=[d:][path]filename[.ext] Load a primary command processor with
[parm1] [parm2] parameters (see help for \bCOMMAND\p )
STACKS=n,s Allows you to override the default
stack. n is number of stacks, s is
[_CONFIG] 4.0
\u *** CONFIG.SYS Commands *** \p
BUFFERS=n[,m][/X] Set number of buffers to n, max sectors
to m, /X puts buffers in EMS
COUNTRY=xxx[,yyy] Set country code=xxx, code page=yyy,
[,[d:][path]filename] or read from file
DEVICE=[d:][path]filename[.ext] Install a device driver
DRIVPARM=/D:n[/C][/F:f][/H:h][/I] Redefines drive n, /C=change line, f=
[/N][/S:s][/T:t] type 0-7, h=heads, /I=3.5", /N=Non-
removeable, s=sectors, t=tracks
FCBS=m,n Set number of concurrent open control
blocks files to m, and number of open
FCBs DOS can't close to n
FILES=x Set # of concurrent open files to x
INSTALL=[d:][path]filename [parms] Run FASTOPEN, KEYB, NLSFUNC, or SHARE
LASTDRIVE=x Set max accessible drive letter to x
REM comment Allows a comment in config.sys
SHELL=[d:][path]filename[.ext] Load a primary command processor with
[parm1] [parm2] parameters (see help for \bCOMMAND\p )
STACKS=n,s Set default stacks to n, s is stacksize
[_CONFIG] 5.0
\u *** CONFIG.SYS Commands *** \p
BUFFERS=n[,m][/X] Set number of buffers to n, max sectors
to m, /X puts buffers in EMS
COUNTRY=xxx[,yyy] Set country code=xxx, code page=yyy,
[,[d:][path]file] or read from file
DEVICE=[d:][path]file[.ext] Install a device driver
DEVICEHIGH=[d:][path]file[.ext] Install a device driver in upper memory
DOS=HIGH|LOW[,UMB|,NOUMB] Load DOS in upper/lower memory
(HIGH/LOW respectively)
UMB maintains link to lower memory
DRIVPARM=/D:n[/C][/F:f][/H:h][/I] Redefines drive n, /C=change line, f=
[/N][/S:s][/T:t] type 0-7, h=heads, /I=3.5", /N=Non-
removeable, s=sectors, t=tracks
FCBS=m,n Set number of concurrent open control
blocks files to m, and number of open
FCBs DOS can't close to n
FILES=x Set # of concurrent open files to x
INSTALL=[d:][path]file [parms] Run FASTOPEN, KEYB, NLSFUNC, or SHARE
LASTDRIVE=x Set max accessible drive letter to x
REM comment Allows a comment in config.sys
SHELL=[d:][path]file[.ext] Load a primary command processor with
[parm1] [parm2] parameters (see help for \bCOMMAND\p )
STACKS=n,s Set default stacks to n, s is stacksize
SWITCHES=/K Make an enhanced keyboard conventional
Recall next older command
\i^\p = Ctrl+key \i^\p Scroll active window up
\i@\p = Alt+key |
Cursor to start of line--------\b│Hom│ │PUp│\p----------Search history older
\i^\p Go to top of active window \b├───┼───┼───┤\p \i^\p Page active window up
Cursor left--------------------\b│ \27 │ \7 │ \26 │\p------------------Cursor right
\i^\p Scroll active window left \b├───┼───┼───┤\p \i^\p Scroll active window right
Cursor to end of line----------\b│End│ │PDn│\p----------Search history newer
\i^\p Go to end of active window \b└───┴───┴───┘\p \i^\p Page active window down
Recall next newer command
\i^\p Scroll active window down
Note: \i^\parrow functions are not available on all keyboards
\b┌───┐ ┌───┐\p
Clear command line--------------\b│ESC│ │BS │\p----------Delete left of cursor
\b└───┘ └───┘\p
\b┌───┐ ┌───┐\p
Toggle overwrite/insert mode----\b│INS│ │DEL│\p---------------Delete at cursor
\b└───┘ └───┘\p
\b┌───┐\p Cycle alphabetically through a list of files in the current dir-
\b│TAB│\p ectory (or matching files if filename is partly typed or typed
\b└───┘\p with wildcards) at the cursor position in the command line.
<Shift-TAB> cycles reverse alphabetically
\b┌───┐ ┌───┐\p
Activate HELP-------------------\b│F1 │ │F6 │\p--------------Type ^Z at cursor
\i@\p Clear HELP \b└───┘ └───┘\p \i@\p Change active window
\b┌───┐ ┌───┐\p
Copy history to keypress--------\b│F2 │ │F7 │\p--------Cursor back to keypress
\b└───┘ └───┘\p
\b┌───┐ ┌───┐\p
Copy history to end of line-----\b│F3 │ │F8 │\p-----Cursor forward to keypress
\b└───┘ └───┘\p
\b┌───┐ ┌───┐\p
Skip history to keypress--------\b│F4 │ │F9 │\p----Recall oldest saved command
\i@\p Close active window \b└───┘ └───┘\p
\b┌───┐ ┌───┐\p
Copy current line to history----\b│F5 │ │F10│\p----Recall newest saved command
\b└───┘ └───┘\p
\iSee Also:\p \bwALIAS\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwLIST\p, \bwMOUSE\p, \bwCHORD\p, \bwVIEW\p
\u *** ALIAS POP-UP WINDOW *** \p \iImports:\p none \iExports:\p Commands
Title────┐ ┌────────Move
Window System Menu─┐ ╔════════│════│════╗ \iLEFT-DRAG\p on title bar
\iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p └──[≡]▒▒ ALIAS ▒▒▒[\18]────Maximize button
\iLEFT-2CLICK\p to close ╟────────────────┬─╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p
Resize───║ alphabetical │────Up scroll (items move down)
any edge \iLEFT-DRAG\p ║ listing ├─╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
║ of │░║
List of Aliases──── all │▓────Elevator (indicates your
to select \iLEFT-CLICK\p ║ your │░║ current position in list)
to paste \iLEFT-DRAG\p ║ currently │░║ \iLEFT-PRESS\p to move
select &├\iLEFT-2CLICK\p ║ defined ├─╢
paste &│ ║ aliases │────Down scroll (items move up)
ENTER│ ╚════════════════╧═╝ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
\u Note: Also use RIGHT mouse button to highlight ANY text \p
Note: To import, with mouse drag selection into window. To Export,
make a selection and drag out of window. See \bwMOUSE\p
\iSee Also:\p \bALIAS\p, \b_KEYS\p, \bwCHORD\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwLIST\p, \bwMOUSE\p,
\bwSYSMENU\p, \bwVIEW\p
\iPurpose:\p Open or bring to front any TOP window at any time
\iTo CHORD:\p Press and hold both mouse buttons. Move mouse to selection and
release buttons
\u│ CloseAll │\p ─ Closes all \iTOP\p windows
\u│ SaveLayout│\p ─ Saves size, position, colors, and autosave
\u│───────────│\p of all \iTOP\p windows
\u│ Alias │\p ─ Opens the \bALIAS\p window. See \bwALIAS\p
\u│ Files │\p ─ Opens the \iFILES\p window. See \bwFILES\p
\u│ List │\p ─ Opens the \iLIST\p window. See \bwLIST\p
\u│ History │\p ─ Opens the \bHISTORY\p window. See \bwHISTORY\p
\u│ View │\p ─ Opens the \bVIEW\p window. See \bwVIEW\p
\u│ Help <F1>│\p ─ Opens the \bHELP\p window. See \bwHELP\p
Note: If any text is already highlighed, the window selected by the
\bCHORD\p will be opened as if that selection had been dragged into
that window. For example, if a file name is highlighted by
clicking the right mouse button on it, then the \bVIEW\p window is
opened, it will be opened with that file.
\iSee Also:\p \b_KEYS\p, \bwALIAS\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwLIST\p, \bwMOUSE\p,
\bwSYSMENU\p, \bwVIEW\p
\u *** FILES POP-UP WINDOW *** \p \iImports:\p Path or type
\iExports:\p File name w/path, path, type
Title─────┐ ┌───────────Working Directory
Window System Menu─┐╔═════════│═══════│════════╗
\iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p └─[≡]▒▒▒ FILES-C:\\TOP ▒▒▒[\18]───Maximize button
\iLEFT-2CLICK\p to close ╟──────────────────────────╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p
Pull Down Menus─── DRIVE SORT GOTO ║
\iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p ╟──────────────────────────╢
Directories──── .. ││ TOP.EXE│*.* ───Scroll bars
to select \iLEFT-CLICK\p ║│ VIDEO ││ TOP.HLP║│*.EXE║║ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
║│ AUDIO ││ TOP.ILP║│*.HLP║║ on arrows or elevator
File Listing & Info───────────── TOP.INI║│*.ILP║║
to select \iLEFT-CLICK\p ║│ ││ TOP.TUT│*.INI────File extension types
to paste \iLEFT-DRAG\p ║└───────┘└────────┘└─────┘║ \iLEFT-CLICK\p to select
select &├\iLEFT-2CLICK\p ╚══════════════════════════╝
paste &│ Move └───Resize
ENTER│ \iLEFT-DRAG\p on Title Bar \iLEFT-DRAG\p any edge
\u Note: Also use RIGHT mouse button to highlight ANY text \p
Note: To import, with mouse drag selection into window. To Export,
make a selection and drag out of window. See \bwMOUSE\p
\iSee Also:\p \b_KEYS\p, \bwALIAS\p, \bwCHORD\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwLIST\p, \bwMOUSE\p,
\bwSYSMENU\p, \bwVIEW\p
\u *** HELP POP-UP WINDOW *** \p \iImports:\p HELP topic \iExports:\p Any word
Title────┐ ┌────────Move
╔════════│════│════╗ \iLEFT-DRAG\p on title bar
Window System Menu────[≡]▒▒▒ HELP ▒▒▒[\18]────Maximize button
\iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p ╟────────────────┬─╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p
\iLEFT-2CLICK\p to close ║ [HELP] message │────Up scroll (items move down)
║ ├─╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
List of Topics──── Atopic Gtopic │░║
to select \iLEFT-CLICK\p ║ Btopic Htopic │▓────Elevator (indicates your
║ Ctopic Itopic │░║ current position in list)
Resize───║ Dtopic Jtopic │░║ \iLEFT-PRESS\p to move
any edge \iLEFT-PRESS\p ║ Etopic Ktopic ├─╢
║ Ftopic Ltopic │────Down scroll (items move up)
╚════════════════╧═╝ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
\u Note: Also use RIGHT mouse button to highlight ANY text \p
Note: To import, with mouse drag selection into window. To Export,
make a selection and drag out of window. See \bwMOUSE\p
\iSee Also:\p \bHELP\p, \b_KEYS\p, \bwALIAS\p, \bwCHORD\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwLIST\p, \bwMOUSE\p,
\bwSYSMENU\p, \bwVIEW\p
\u *** HISTORY POP-UP WINDOW *** \p \iImports:\p none \iExports:\p Commands
Title─────┐ ┌────────Move
Window System Menu─┐ ╔═════════│════│════╗ \iLEFT-DRAG\p on title bar
\iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p └──[≡]▒▒ HISTORY ▒▒[\18]────Maximize button
\iLEFT-2CLICK\p to close ╟─────────────────┬─╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p
Resize───║ oldest command │────Up scroll (items move down)
any edge \iLEFT-DRAG\p ║ ....... ├─╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
║ time listing │░║
List of Commands──── of your │▓────Elevator (indicates your
to select \iLEFT-CLICK\p ║ current history │░║ current position in list)
to paste \iLEFT-DRAG\p ║ buffer commands │░║ \iLEFT-PRESS\p to move
select &├\iLEFT-2CLICK\p ║ ....... ├─╢
paste &│ ║ newest command │────Down scroll (items move up)
ENTER│ ╚═════════════════╧═╝ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
\u Note: Also use RIGHT mouse button to highlight ANY text \p
Note: To import, with mouse drag selection into window. To Export,
make a selection and drag out of window. See \bwMOUSE\p
\iSee Also:\p \bHISTORY\p, \b_KEYS\p, \bwALIAS\p, \bwCHORD\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwLIST\p, \bwMOUSE\p,
\bwSYSMENU\p, \bwVIEW\p
\u *** LIST POP-UP WINDOW *** \p \iImports:\p Path spec \iExports:\p File name
Title───┐ ┌────────Move
Window System Menu─┐ ╔═══════│════│════╗ \iLEFT-DRAG\p on title bar
\iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p └──[≡]▒▒ LIST ▒▒▒[\18]────Maximize button
\iLEFT-2CLICK\p to close ╟───────────────┬─╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p
Resize───║ file │────Up scroll (items move down)
any edge \iLEFT-DRAG\p ║ and ├─╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
║ directory │░║
List of Files──── listing │▓────Elevator (indicates your
to select \iLEFT-CLICK\p ║ of │░║ current position in list)
to paste \iLEFT-DRAG\p ║ the │░║ \iLEFT-PRESS\p to move
select &├\iLEFT-2CLICK\p ║ current ├─╢
paste &│ ║ directory │────Down scroll (items move up)
ENTER│ ╚═══════════════╧═╝ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
\u Note: Also use RIGHT mouse button to highlight ANY text \p
Note: To import, with mouse drag selection into window. To Export,
make a selection and drag out of window. See \bwMOUSE\p
\iSee Also:\p \b_KEYS\p, \bwALIAS\p, \bwCHORD\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwMOUSE\p,
\bwSYSMENU\p, \bwVIEW\p
\u *** WINDOW SYSTEM MENU *** \p
\iPurpose:\p Controls TOP pop-up window system attributes. Activated by a
left click or press on the [≡] in any window
\u│ Colors... │\p ─ Sets window colors
\u│√ AutoClose │\p ─ Toggles window AutoClose mode
\u│ Maximize │\p ─ Maximize window size, same as [\18]
\u│ Redisplay │\p ─ Refresh window display
\u│ Close Alt+F4│\p ─ Closes window (can also double click on [≡])
\u│ Next Alt+F6│\p ─ Activates next window
Note: Color and AutoClose settings are temporary unless \uSaveLayout\p is
selected from the chord pop-up memu. See \bwCHORD\p
\iSee Also:\p \b_KEYS\p, \bwALIAS\p, \bwCHORD\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwLIST\p,
\bwMOUSE\p, \bwVIEW\p
\u *** VIEW POP-UP WINDOW *** \p \iImports:\p File name \iExports:\p Line in file
Title────┐ ┌────────Move
Window System Menu─┐ ╔════════│════│════╗ \iLEFT-DRAG\p on title bar
\iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p └──[≡]▒▒▒ VIEW ▒▒▒[\18]──┐
\iLEFT-2CLICK\p to close ╟──────────────────╢ └─Maximize button
Pull Down Menus─┘ ╟────────────────┬─╢
\iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p ║ The ascii │────Up scroll (text moves down)
║ text or binary ├─╢ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
Resize───║ contents of │░║
any edge \iLEFT-DRAG\p ║ the selected │▓────Elevator (indicates your
║ file..... │░║ current position in file)
╟─┬────────────┬─┼─╢ \iLEFT-PRESS\p to move
Left & Right scroll────\27│░░▓░░░░░░░░░│\26│────Down scroll (text moves up)
\iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p ╚═╧════════════╧═╧═╝ \iLEFT-CLICK\p or \iPRESS\p
\u Note: Also use RIGHT mouse button to highlight ANY text \p
Note: Any program's console output can be piped into the \bVIEW\p window.
For example 'dir | view' will place a directory listing into the
\bVIEW\p window where it can be scrolled, etc.
Note: To import, with mouse drag selection into window. To Export,
make a selection and drag out of window. See \bwMOUSE\p
\iSee Also:\p \bVIEW\p, \b_KEYS\p, \bwALIAS\p, \bwCHORD\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwLIST\p,
\bwMOUSE\p, \bwSYSMENU\p
\u *** Using the MOUSE with TOP *** \p
\iCLICK:\p Quickly push and release button
\iDRAG:\p Push and hold button on selection, then move the mouse
\i2CLICK:\p Quickly push and release button twice
\iCHORD:\p Press and hold both buttons, release on selection
┌───────────┬───────\iLEFT BUTTON\p─────────┬───────\iRIGHT BUTTON\p────────┐
│ \iCLICK\p │ \iSELECT\p a window option │ \iHIGHLIGHT\p any text word │
│ │ or move command cursor │ on screen │
│ \iDRAG\p │ \iPASTE\p any selection or │ Controlled text \iHIGHLIGHT\p │
│ │ highlight to command line │ (DRAG mouse over text) │
│ │ or import to any window │ │
│ \i2CLICK\p │ \iSELECT\p & \iPASTE\p & \iENTER\p │ \iHIGHLIGHT\p & \iPASTE\p & \iENTER\p │
│ \iCHORD\p │ Pop-Up Menu to (re)open the \bALIAS\b, \iFILES\p, \bHISTORY\p, │
│ │ \bHELP\p, \iLIST\p, or \bVIEW\p window. If any text is already │
│ │ highlighed, the \iCHORD\p window will be opened as if │
│ │ that selection had been dragged into that window │
\iSee Also:\p \b_KEYS\p, \bwALIAS\p, \bwCHORD\p, \bwFILES\p, \bwHELP\p, \bwHISTORY\p, \bwLIST\p,
\bwSYSMENU\p, \bwVIEW\p